- steamed, grilled meat bun 叉烧包
- Hit a dog with a meat bun, it does not return. 肉包子打狗;一去不回头。
- And I see someone holding a meat bun. 看别人手里拿个肉包子。
- Ideal with grilled meat and vegetables, as well as cheeses. 适合与烧烤肉类,以及蔬菜,奶酪搭配。
- This is no mere sandwich of grilled meat and toasted bread, Robin. 这才不是什么叉烧肉搭烤面包的三明治能比的上的,罗宾。
- Food Suggestion: Ideal with grilled meat, stews and cheese. 配餐建议:与烤肉,炖菜或芝士搭配理想。
- Excellent with any kind of stew or grasvy sauce, as well as grilled meat. 适合搭配烧烤的肉类、炖汤类美食,萃出美食口感。
- Food pairing: Perfect with charcuterie, grilled meat, and grilled vegetables. 食物搭配:可搭配猪肉,烧烤等饮用。
- Tian Jing Meat Bun, I still compare it with 1 Utama - Soho, the skin was not nice, like the bun sale at pasar malam, and the meat also salty, asik... 天津狗不理包子,我依然是拿来跟新煮意的比较,包皮感觉很不好,不够松软,夜市集卖的都比这个好,然后肉很咸,失望。
- Enjoy with grilled meats and soft cheeses. 搭配烤肉、乳酪口味鲜美无比。
- There are many kinds of fast food in Wuhan, such as Chinese doughnuts, steamed meat buns, hot-and-dry noodles. 武汉有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、热干面。
- We serve many grilled meat, prawn and vegetable dishes which are prepared in front of the guest. 我们供应多种烤肉、对虾及蔬菜,都在顾客面前烹调。
- Matches very well with all meats, especially with grilled meat. 可以与各种肉类搭配,尤其与烤肉搭配享用,味道极佳。
- We serve many grilled meat,prawn and vegetable dishes which are prepared in front of the guest. 我们供应多种烤肉、对虾及蔬菜,都在顾客面前烹调。
- There are many kinds of fast food in Zunyi, such as Chinese doughnuts, steamed meat buns, steamed dumplings, wonton, soybean juice, and fried dough sticks. 有很多种快餐食品,比如说面窝、小笼蒸包、蒸饺、水饺、豆浆、油条。
- Typical aromas include violets, raspberries, cassis, strawberries, black pepper and grilled meat. 典型香气,包括紫罗兰树莓、套种、草莓、黑胡椒、烧烤肉类。
- Before leaving, the group ate up plates of Wiener schnitzel, grilled meat and pork roast, ORF cited her as saying. 在离开之前,这一票人可是吃掉了好几盘的维也纳肉排、烤肉与烧烤猪肉,ORF广播公司引述她的话说。
- But Snelling is more intrigued by the variety of interpretations attached to the saying, not the least of which is that “the dog will not be driven off, but will enjoy the meat bun instead. 翠茜通过这个系列的作品拓展了自己的创作内容,加入了影像和摄影等纪录片元素。身处北京为她带来了更多的叙事可能,其中有些叙事可能必须要依赖某个具体的地点才能存在。
- Enjoy with grilled meats, steaks - especially tenderloin. 是一款红肉类佐餐的佳酿。
- Suitable with all roasted or grilled meats and stews. 适合搭配烤肉或炖肉。