- steel beam memberbars 钢梁杆件
- They riveted the steel beams together. 他们把钢梁铆接在一起。
- I put steel beams in new buildings. 我是在新建筑物上装钢梁的。
- That concrete is reinforced with steel beams. 那混凝土是用钢筋加固的。
- Shaped steel/steel profile concrete beam. Its characteristic is to enwrap a layer of concrete outside of the structural steel beam. 采用型钢混凝土大梁,它的特征是在钢结构梁外面再包裹一层混凝土外壳。
- In order to deal with the problem of severe overloading on a main steel beam of dust catcher in a power plant,an external prestress truss structure for reinforcement is presented. 针对某电厂除尘器主钢梁严重超载的情况,提出体外预应力桁架加固方案。
- Based on the unified theory,trilinear and bilinear moment-rotation hysteretic model were used for CFST column and steel beam respectively. 以钢管混凝土统一理论为基础,钢管混凝土柱构件采用3线型弯矩-转角滞回模型;钢梁采用双线型弯矩-转角滞回模型。
- The crane lifted some steel beams to the top of the structure. 起重机将几根钢梁吊上了房顶。
- Again the lever was moved at the engine, and the steel beam soared into the air up to the sixteenth story, where it was made fast by little bolts. 机器后面的手柄又是一拉,这些钢筋就被升到半空,来建造这座十六层的大楼,眼看着这座大楼一点点的从无到有。”)
- A man stooped down and fastened the chain around the tenter of a steel beam, stepped back and blew the whistle once more. 铰链停止下落,一个人将它们围在钢筋的周围,接着退后一步,接着又是一声哨响。
- It is formed by encasing the concrete into the U-shaped steel beam welded by cold-formed sheets and a thick steel plate. 外包钢-混凝土组合梁是在由冷弯薄壁型钢与厚钢板焊接成的U型钢梁内浇注混凝土构件,并用必要的构造措施使型钢和混凝土共同工作。
- This paper puts up a new method for installing steel beam joints on concrete structures by chemically-planted steel bars. 摘要提出了在混凝土结构上化学植筋,再通过塞焊和灌浆安装钢梁节点板的新方法。
- In order to study the temperature influence to the anchoring strength of chemically-planted steel bars, two group of tests for total four steel beam joints have been carried out. 为了解施焊温度对化学植筋锚固强度的影响,现场进行了2组共4个节点板的抗剪承载力试验。
- In this paper, the behavior of connection between steel beam and concrete wall with embedded section steel were studied by pseudo-static test and numerical modelling. 本文以内埋型钢混凝土墙与钢梁连接节点为研究对象,完成了八个足尺节点试件(其中三个为刚性连接节点试件,五个为高强螺栓连接节点试件)的低周往复加载试验,同时对节点试件进行了单调加载情况下的数值模拟。
- In this structure, the connection between steel beam and concrete wall are key connection because it play a critical role in concatenating two different structural systems. 混凝土墙与钢梁连接节点在这种结构体系中起了将两种不同的结构体系组合在一起的作用,其性能非常重要。
- To change tracks, bendable switches are used which consist of a continuous steel beam which is elastically bent by means of electro-mechanical setting drives. 若要改道,可采用曲性道岔。这些曲性道岔由无缝钢条组成,通过机电制导装置,使其柔性弯曲。
- The experiment is conducted on a steel beam with TMD including high damping springs and the results indicate the good performance of such a structure for vibration reduction. 最后,还进行了用高阻尼弹簧对受简谐荷载强迫振动梁做动力吸振的实验研究,结果表明,用高阻尼弹簧做TMD具有良好的减振效果。
- Apply to manufacture automobiles, tractors, aircraft and other transportation vehicles in the circle of tires used by the steel beam of carbon steel wire circle. 适用于制造汽车、拖拉机、飞机及其它运载车辆的轮胎的轮胎圈中钢丝束所用的碳素圆钢丝。
- This paper tries to interpret the academic basis and technical working of long-width steel beam with variable slope tag, referring to the engineering project of the Anting Viaduct in Shanghai. 结合上海安亭立交桥的实际工程项目,简要叙述了大跨度钢梁采用变坡拖拉的理论依据与施工技术。
- But the performance of the joint of steel beam and concrete wall directly influence the integral performance of the steel frame-shear wall structure system, so it attracts the more importance to itself. 而钢梁与混凝土墙连接节点的性能直接影响到钢框架-剪力墙结构体系整体性能的好坏,因此得到了越来越多的重视。