- steel cold-formed deck concrete composite slab 压型钢板-混凝土组合板
- The load carrying capacities of steel deck concrete composite slabs are governed by the longitudinal shear strength. 压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板的承载能力受楼板叠合面的纵向抗剪能力控制。
- Profiled sheeting concrete composite slab has been extensively applied to engineering recently because of its big rigidity, good ductility, ease of construction, and economic returns, etc. 压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板因具有刚度大、延性好、施工方便、经济效益优越等特点,在实际工程中的应用越来越广泛。
- PK prestressed concrete composite slab PK预应力叠合板
- Full-scale model tests on fire-resistance behaviors of the new type profiled steel sheeting-concrete concrete composite slabs,BONDER II,which was produced by the Laishi Building System(Guangzhou) Co. 压型钢板混凝土组合板以其优越的力学性能、施工方便、经济效果好等诸多优点,广泛运用于建筑的楼盖结构中。
- profiled steel concrete composite beam 型钢-混凝土组合梁
- steel concrete composite continuous girder 钢-混凝土组合连续梁
- steel tube- steel concrete composite column 钢管-钢骨混凝土组合柱
- light-weight steel concrete composite structure 轻钢-混凝土组合结构
- unidirectional prestressed two-way concrete composite slab 单向预应力混凝土双向叠合板
- Application of PK prestressed concrete composite slab in engineering PK预应力混凝土叠合板在工程中的应用
- Theoretical Study on the Fire Endurance of Steel- concrete Composite Slab 压型钢板组合板耐火极限的理论研究
- The corrosion test, impact test and reaction-to-fire test results show that the stratified concrete composite slabs have excellent anti-corrosion, impact resistance and fire retardancy. 测试结果显示这种结构复合板具有优良的耐腐蚀性能、阻燃性能和力学性能,可广泛应用于实验室和一些防火要求高的场所。
- Elastic Design Method of Rectangular Unidirectional Prestressed Two-way Concrete Composite Slab Simply Supported on Four Sides 四边简支矩形单向预应力双向叠合板的弹性设计方法
- At last fire proof of composite slab has been analyzed in this paper. 最后本文对组合板的防火设计进行了研究,并对防火保护层厚度进行了计算。
- steel concrete composite girder 钢筋混凝土合成梁
- steel concrete composite beam 钢-混凝土组合梁
- composite slab by steel bar truss and concrete 自承式钢筋桁架混凝土叠合板
- Fire resistance of composite slab has been calculated using a kind of numeric method. 采用数值算法计算了组合板的耐火极限,同时分析了影响组合板耐火极限的参数。