- The man gulped down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye. 一眨眼的工夫这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。
- We came here at the instance of Dr Stein. 我们是应斯坦博士之请来这的。
- The defence secretary, Pierre Steyn, resigned. 国防秘书长因此事而辞职。
- Such was the background of Gertrude Stein's work. 这就是格特鲁德·斯泰因作品的背景。
- Een eerste steen, laat staan oplevering? 迈出了第一步后,能不能继续下去?
- Mr Stein specialises in extremely long shows. 斯坦专门做那些长度惊人的片子。
- Mark Stein: Lifetime achievement award? 终生成就奖?
- Have to say, Little Stein makes a good point. 必须说,小老闆做了一个好的陈述。
- At Stein Line HQ, all that adds up to No. 24. 在我看来,而这些也对24号当选有利。
- Edited by Bruno Stein and S.M.Miller. 书名/作者 Incentives and planning in social policy.
- Clarins 、Pringle 、Helena Rubin stein . 还有一大堆的润肤含啊.;洗里乳啊
- Silver, Mary Kay Stein, Melissa Boston, Marjorie A. 放大图片 作者: Margaret Schwan Smith; Edward A.
- Larsen, Stein Ugelvik (ed.), 2005. 胡幼慧(主编),1996。
- Zhongshan Stein SMC Material Co., Ltd. 中山斯丹复合材料有限公司
- To attract customer,the bar give away its stein as souvenir. 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧将它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。
- Steyn Hotel &Apartments are very suitable for short and long term stays. 如果在 入住日 2天之前取消预订酒店将不收取费用。
- The man gulp down a full stein of beer in the blink of an eye. 一眨眼的工夫这人就把一满杯啤酒一饮而尽。
- Defeated by Joe Lewis in finals of Dallas Tournament promoted by Allen Steen. 1968年:战败船长马林斯在半决赛中小牛队比赛。(诺里斯作战,断了的鼻梁)。
- Defeated by Allen Steen at the Long Beach Tournament promoted by Ed Parker . 1966年:击败艾伦斯蒂恩在长滩锦标赛促进教育帕克。
- To attract customer, the bar give away its stein as souvenir. 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧将它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。