- Three patterns of vertical, lateral and step fault translocation are put forward. 提出了断层输导的三种模式 ,即 :垂向输导模式、侧向输导模式及阶梯状输导模式 ;
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- The grumpy man found fault with everything. 那个性情乖戾的人对什么事都要找岔。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- It was not our fault that we were late. 这次迟到不是我们的错。
- They charged the fault to my carelessness. 他们把这个过失归咎于我的疏忽。
- She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step. 她以轻快优雅的步子奔上楼去。
- I hope you try to get them to step up production. 希望你们尽力使厂家增加生产。
- Step on it or we'll miss the beginning of the show. 赶快,要不然我们会赶不上演出的。
- Jane's worst fault is her quick temper. 珍最大的毛病是她的急性子。
- He's always finding fault with my work. 他总是对我的工作吹毛求疵。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- No fault can be attributed to him. 不可把责任加在他身上。
- The machine developed the same fault again. 这台机器有出现了同样的毛病。
- I have no fault to find with your work. 我对你的工作无可挑剔。
- You must watch your step so as not to fall down. 你必须留心脚下才不会跌下去。
- There is a fault in the electrical system. 电路系统出了故障。
- Step into the house while you're waiting. 你既然在等候,那就请进屋去吧。
- Step on it, the plane leaves in half an hour. 赶快,飞机再等半小时就要起飞。