- ADO.NET 2.0 Includes enhanced type support for the DataSet using SqlTypes. ADO.;NET 2
- Toilet installation crouchs implement, can choose take the turn that put water to step type to crouch implement, it prevents slippery deodorization. 卫生间安装蹲便器,可选用带存水弯踏式蹲便器,它防滑除臭。
- It is indicated by test that the effect of step type variable parameter vibratile drilling is more superior than that of common drilling at corresponding conditions. 实验得出,阶跃式变参数振动钻削效果明显优于相应条件下的普通钻削。
- The laminated material is an advanced compound material.A new vibratile drilling technology with step type variable parameter is suitable to process the new laminated material. 叠层材料是一种先进的复合材料,阶跃式变参数振动钻削新工艺最适合于加工新型叠层材料。
- Typically, different information types support different kinds of content. 正常情况下,不同信息类型支持不同种类的内容。
- There you ll find explicit regular expressions that match each address type supported. 在此将会找到与支持的每个地址类型相匹配的明确的正则表达式。
- PSF the dull and stereotyped type supports the board, is suitable for particle packing and rule whole packing. PSF平板型支撑板,适用于颗粒填料及规整填料。
- If the configuration type supports only one property, the title of this wizard page is Select Target Property. 如果配置类型只支持一个属性,则此向导页的标题是“选择目标属性”。
- The AAL5 traffic type supports both a message-mode service and a streaming mode service. AAL5通信类型不但支持信息模式服务,也支持流模式服务。
- This step type is useful for overriding the 此步骤类型对于重写
- A type whose representation is hidden. To use an abstract type, we need know only what operations the type supports. 隐藏其实现的数据类型。使用抽象数据类型时,只需要了解该类型所支持的操作。
- Never assume a type supports an interface. Defensively query for that interface. 永远不要假设一种类型支持某个接口。防护性地检查是否支持该接口。
- Shafts-One End Female Thread with Step Type 导向轴-一端内螺纹型
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以轻快的跑步跳进房间。
- Process Type Support Customer Interface Management 客户接口支持
- Process Type Support Problem Handling 问题处理支持
- Supplying a value in a SQL Server 2005 system data type, as long as the user-defined type supports implicit or explicit conversion from that type. 提供SQL Server 2005系统数据类型的值,条件是该用户定义类型支持该类型的隐式转换或显式转换。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公众舆论是一致的。
- extra -large roller type support 特大型滚动支承
- She runs up the stairs with a light graceful step. 她以轻快优雅的步子奔上楼去。