- stern journal bearing of ship 船舶尾轴承
- loading capacity of the stern journal bearing 轴承承载能力
- The couple behavior between the thrust and the journal bearings of hydrogenerator set is investigated in this paper. 摘要本文研究了推力轴承与导轴承对水轮发电机组的耦合作用。
- It theoretically and practically summarizes the gist of emergency repair of tunnel shaft bearing of ships. 从理论和实践两个方面概括了应急修理中间轴承的要点。
- The angular wobbly self-excited vibration(AWs-EV) with the half-frequency of primary ring for fluids film face seal is intrinsic property, being similar to "half-frequency whirl" in journal bearings of hydrodynamic lubrication. 端面流体膜密封的浮环半频摆动自振特性是其一种固有属性,类似于径向流体膜轴承中的“半速涡动”。
- I am not clear about the precise bearing of the word in this passage. 我说不准这个字在这段文章里的确切意义是什么。
- He was born of plebeian origins. 他出身平民。
- She was born of humble parentage. 她出身卑贱。
- Who's in charge of ship's stores? 船上的物资是谁管的?
- I fail to see the bearing of that remark. 我不明白那句话的真意何在。
- He bought his son a model of ship from the USA. 他给儿子从美国买了一个轮船模型。
- The poise and bearing of a champion. 冠军泰然自若的风度
- Performance requirement for SW SSB station of ship. 长江船用短波单边带电台性能要求。
- What kind of ship are you building in the back? 咱们后面正在建造的是什么船呢?
- Is a part of ship where cargo is stored. 船舱是储存货物的地方。
- Operational specification for monitor of ship's ra. 船用雷达性能监测器通用技术条件。
- Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice. 她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。
- The outer surface of ship's hull is very hard. 船体的外表面非常坚硬。
- My husband Skip is a teddy bear of a man. 我丈夫斯基普是一个很壮实、性感的男人。
- Born of unwed parents; illegitimate. 无婚姻关系双亲所生的; 私生子的