- stick out against a bill 罢工反对某法案
- The black workers stuck out against the reactionary bill. 黑人工人罢工反对这一反动法案。
- Red stands out against a white background. 在白底上红色显得特别醒目。
- The trade unions are continuing to stick out against the government's wage and price controls. 工会在继续反对政府对工资和物价的控制。
- His bosses sent him to lobby against a bill that would put them out of business. 他的老板派他去游说阻止一项可能令他们停业的法案。
- All of them are sticking out against the chairman's opinions. 他们坚决反对主席的意见。
- A beacon flamed out against the night sky. 灯塔在夜空衬托下闪亮。
- A lonely star shone out against the black sky. 一颗孤星在黑色的夜空中闪闪发亮。
- So we get payment against a bill of lading and a draft, which the buyer can discount. 所以我们只能凭提单及买主能够贴现的汇票收取货款。
- B.Any clause with regard to delivery of goods against a bill of lading the carrier reasonably believes to be genuine. 有关货物运输与提单相反的条款,承运人有理由相信是善意的。
- It stick out a mile that we aren't welcome here. 情况极为明显,我们在此地不受欢迎。
- Why do you have to stick out like a sore thumb? 为什么你一定要别出心裁?
- "It's more about brining the energy and coming back out against a quick, athletic team," he said. “我更关心的是队员们的体力问题,想让他们在对上这么一支有速度,有活力的球队时能找回自己应有的状态。”杰克逊说。
- The store sent me a bill for $50. 那家商店寄给我一张五十美元的帐单。
- Rocky Juarez I: W SD, 2006, Los Angeles Toughed it out against a hot young prospect. 洛奇.;苏亚雷兹I:2006年,拉斯维加斯,不一致点数胜,好不容易拿下这位火爆的希望之星。
- This is a bill payable on demand. 这是张见票即付的汇票。
- Lois: You will stick out like a sore thumb. 你会招徕注目暴露目标的。
- No one dared to speak out against the injustice. 没人敢对不公正行为表示公开反对。
- He paid for the goods sent him from Detroit by a bill of exchange. 他收到底特律给他发来的货物后以汇票付款。
- His front teeth stick out a bit. 他的门牙有些往外支。