- A single blade stiffened panel was simulated using the two-dimensional RFI process model. 使用该程序模拟了有一个加强肋的板的成型过程。
- With regard to general ship structure, the most common failure mode is that the grillage, which is between stiffened panels, is damaged then the overall failure of stiffened ... 船体抵抗纵向弯矩 /剪切载荷的能力称为总纵强度 ,这是船舶最基本的强度。
- The modified Perry-Robertson equation is applied to calculate ultimate compressive strength of damaged stiffened panels founded on so-called beam-column method, and the width of effective plate adopts above reduced effective width of a damaged plate. 在进行受损加筋板格极限强度计算时,按梁柱法采用修正的Perry-Robertson方程进行计算,其中有效带板的宽度取板格折减后的有效宽度。 这样得到了一个含有各个参数的显式的极限强度公式。
- Parametric studies of general grid stiffened panel was conducted using skin thickness, stiffener thickness and stiffener height as design variables.Conclusions drawn from these results are presented. 对以蒙皮厚度,筋条厚度和高度作为设计变量时的一般格栅加筋板进行了参数分析,并总结出了相应的结果。
- Stability assessment of double bottom stiffened panels in aging bulk carriers 现役散货船板架结构稳定性研究
- An Analysis of Fail-Safety and Fracture Control of Integrally Stiffened Panels 整体加筋壁板的破损安全特性与断裂控制分析
- Laws against child abuse should be stiffened up. 反对虐儿童的法律应该严格执行。
- My back has stiffened (up) overnight. 我的後背一夜之间强直了。
- A study on variations of acoustic radiation modes of a damaged stiffened panel 含损伤加筋板结构声辐射模态变异研究
- He stiffened (with terror) at the horrific sight. 他看到那恐怖的情景吓呆了。
- My name is down on the panel of jurors. 我的名字已列入陪审员名单。
- He moderated on a weekly panel show. 他主持每周的讨论节目。
- The panel brought in a unanimous decision. 全体陪审员一致通过了一项决定。
- Resistance stiffened even further last week. 上星期抵抗进一步加强了。
- This ceiling has a carved panel. 这块天花板带有刻花镶板。
- You will only stiffen his resolve. 你只会坚定他的决心。
- The panel was chosen to take part in discussion. 那个专门小组被选中参加讨论。
- The builders set the panel in very carefully. 建筑工人把嵌板非常小心地镶上去。
- Mr. White moderated on a weekly panel show. 怀特先生主持每周一次的电视讨论节目。
- Your name is down on the panel of jurors. 你的名字已列入陪审团名单。