- Stimulate domestic demand by making great efforts. 下大力气启动国内需求。
- China will invest nearly USD 3 trillion to stimulate domestic demand. 中国也将投资3万亿人民币刺激国内需求。
- Such as Taiwan has recently promulgated the 3600 per person NT program to stimulate domestic demand. 如我国台湾最近就颁布了每人3600新台币的内需刺激方案。
- Earlier this month, the same type of steel products 12% of the fixed levy import tariffs have been insufficient to stimulate domestic demand recovery. 本月早前对同类钢铁产品征收12%25的固定进口关税已经不足以刺激国内需求的恢复。
- China decided to release the control on credit and increase the finace and investment in order to remedy the bad outside economy factors and stimulate domestic demand. 中国决定放松信贷管制,融资并加大投资力度,以弥补不利的外部经济因素,刺激国内需求。
- China is to loosen credit policy,fiance and enhance investment in order to make up the disadvantage factors of outside economy and stimulate domestic demand. 中国决定放松信贷管制,融资并加大投资力度,以弥补不利的外部经济因素,刺激国内需求。
- Developing the agricultural productive forces and raising farmers'purchasing power are an important aspect of the effort to stimulate domestic demand,and have a bearing on overall national economic development and social stability. 发展农业生产力,提高农民购买力,是扩大和培育内需十分重要的方面,关系国民经济发展和社会稳定全局。
- This year the central bank has cut the interest rate again. If the eighth interest rate cut again fails to stimulate domestic demand, what counter-measures will the central bank adopt? 另外,央行今年又下调了利率,如果这第八次降息仍然没有拉动内需,央行将采取什么样的应对措施?
- From this perspective, the limited license will seriously affect the Beijing auto market trading volume and thus the economy, stimulate domestic demand, as well as the national tax revenue. 从这个角度来看,限发牌照将严重影响北京车市的交易流量和因此而对于经济、内需的刺激,以及对于国家税收的贡献。
- Stimulating domestic demand is an essential and long-standing factor underlying China's economic growth. 扩大内需是我国经济发展长期的、基本的立足点。
- But while encouraging consumption of luxuries to stimulate domestic demands, a series of social maladies like show-off have followed. 一边是内需不足,急于扩大消费,刺激内需,拉动经济;一边是炫耀式奢侈消费产生的社会弊病。
- Expand exports by every possible means at the same time stimulation domestic demand. 在扩大内需的同时,千方百计扩大出口。
- We must stick to the policy of stimulating domestic demand and implement corresponding macroeconomic policies in light of actual needs. 坚持扩大国内需求的方针,根据形势需要实施相应的宏观经济政策。
- New loans mainly concentrated in stimulating domestic demand and improving people's livelihood and other key infrastructure sectors. 新增贷款主要集中在拉动内需、改善民生的基础设施及其他重要行业领域。
- China govt's measures on infrastructure investment, stimulating domestic demand, make China play a active role in the global market. 中国政府在基本建设投入、拉动内需等方面的努力,使中国市场在全球大环境中会有积极表现。
- Hospitality volume and a total tourism revenue previous Golden Week highest level, effectively stimulating domestic demand and promoting the development of relevant industries. 接待游客总量和旅游总收入均创历次黄金周最高水平,有力地拉动内需,促进了相关产业的发展。
- Apart from increasing direct investment and stimulating domestic demand, the additional issuance of treasury bonds can pave the way for increased bank lending through supplementing and increasing more equity funds for construction projects. 同时,增发的国债除了可以增加直接投资、刺激国内需求外,还能通过补充和增加建设项目资本金,为银行扩大贷款创造条件。
- Apart from increasing direct investment and stimulating domestic demand,the additional issuance of treasury bonds can pave the way for increased bank lending through supplementing and increasing more equity funds for construction projects. 同时,增发的国债除了可以增加直接投资、刺激国内需求外,还能通过补充和增加建设项目资本金,为银行扩大贷款创造条件。
- The policies of stimulating domestic demands effects continue to appear, and the national economy maintains sustained and rapid growth. 扩大内需政策效应继续显现,国民经济持续较快增长。
- How to rekindle people's enthusiasm for spending, stimulating domestic demand, the Government has become quite a number of countries in the winter at the moment, hard to think a big problem. 扩大内需建言之十二如何重新燃起民众的消费热情,拉动内需,已经成了不少国家政府在眼下这个冬天里殚精竭虑思考的大问题。