- We are determined to open up and to stimulate the economy. 我们必须坚持对外开放、对内搞活经济这一手。
- The intention of lowering interest rates is to stimulate the economy. 降低利率的用意是刺激经济。
- So he wants a deal with Congress to stimulate the economy as soon as possible. 因此布什总统希望和国会联手尽快达成一个刺激经济的方案。
- After all, other attempts to stimulate the economy have so far foundered. 毕竟,其他各种刺激经济的尝试到目前为止都失败了。
- During recessions, the federal government runs a budget deficit to stimulate the economy. 在经济衰退期间,联邦政府利用预算赤字来刺激经济。
- The intention of lowering interest rates is to stimulate the economy and develop industries. 降低利率的打算是为了刺激经济,发展工业。
- "It did stimulate the economy," says Clyde Prestowitz, the head of the Economic Strategy Institute. 经济战略研究所的负责人克赖德.;普莱斯特威兹说,“降息确实刺激了经济。”
- But it struggled to pass a supplementary budget last month designed to stimulate the economy. 上月在通过一项旨在刺激经济的附加预算议案时,就大费周折。
- Gurria also stressed that European governments need to take more aid measures to stimulate the economy. 古里亚还强调,欧洲国家政府需要采取更多救援措施来刺激经济。
- The government's pro-active fiscal policy, which it has pursued for the past six years to stimulate the economy, has begun to reap dividends this year. 政府过去六年实行的英明的财政政策初显效果,积极影响着经济发展。
- Under such circumstances, the Chinese government adopted active fiscal policies to expand the domestic demand and to stimulate the pick-up of the economy. 对此,国家采取措施,扩大国内需求,实行积极的财政政策,拉动了国民经济逐步回升。
- We should continue to stimulate the economy and to mobilize the initiative of the localities and enterprises, and of production and office workers as well. 仍然要继续把经济搞活,发挥地方、企业、职工的积极性。
- "In the context of efforts to stimulate the economy, we are still very optimistic about the injection of wire and cable assets, profitability. “在大力刺激经济的背景下,我们还是很看好注入的电线电缆资产的盈利能力。”
- It is partly based on the belief that government spending is required to stimulate the economy because private spending would be insufficient. 刺激方案的部分原因是,人们相信私人消费不足因此需要由政府支出来刺激经济。
- It is trying to artificially stimulate the economy with its monetary policy, thereby it is also unwittingly shooting at the value of the currency. 美联储正试图使用货币政策来人为地刺激经济,由此它也不知不觉地瞄向美元的 价值。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- Frank Gong think, now that China's economy had bottomed out, which means that the Government will not introduce more measures to stimulate the economy. 龚方雄认为,中国经济既然已经见底,也就意味着政府不会再出台更多刺激经济的措施。
- The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧。
- Under such circumstances,the Chinese government adopted active fiscal policies to expand the domestic demand and to stimulate the pick-up of the economy. 对此,国家采取措施,扩大国内需求,实行积极的财政政策,拉动了国民经济逐步回升。