- The sword image shows his ideal and leads to virile,solemn and stirring style. 剑意象抒发了词人的理想,也成就了船山词沉郁遒劲、苍凉悲壮的风格。
- The sword image slows his ideal and leads to virile, solemn and stirring style. 剑意象抒发了词人的理想,也成就了船山词沉郁道劲、苍凉悲壮的风格。
- The loss of the ball game stir up much feeling. 球赛输了引起了极大的愤慨。
- The news caused quite a stir in the village. 那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。
- Now, stir the beaten eggs in the milk. 现在把打好的鸡蛋搅拌进牛奶。
- Discontent stirred the men to mutiny. 不满情绪酿成了兵变。
- Jack hasn't stirred out all morning. 杰克一上午都没出门。
- She stirred the sugar into her coffee. 她把糖搅和到咖啡里。
- Some young people like to make a fetish of style. 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。
- The men are being stirred up by outsiders. 士兵受到了外人的煽动。
- The news stirred deep feeling in me. 这消息深深激发了我的感情。
- Stir the sauce to prevent it lumping. 把沙司搅拌一下以免结块。
- Yogurt, yogurt, in a cup. Yogurt, yogurt, stir it up. 优格优格,在杯中。优格优格,搅拌它。
- This new style of air conditioner is noiseless. 这种新型空调没有噪音。
- Do in a style appropriate to your own use. 按与你自己的用途相称的风格去做。
- He reaped the whirlwind he had himself stirred up. 他自作自受,遭到了加倍的报应。
- A gentle breeze stirred the leaves. 微风吹动了树叶。
- How fashionable this new style is! 这个新款式是多么新颖呀!
- She stirred now and again in her sleep. 她睡觉时不时翻来覆去。
- This style of cooking is peculiar to the country. 这种烹调方法是那个国家的特色。