- Alter solving the stochastic LQ control problem, the solution of the corresponding Hamilton-Jaeobi-Bellman(HJB) equation of the problem is discussed. 在讨论了该随机LQ控制问题的解后,给出了油田勘探开发项目的投资组合动态数学模型对应的随机的Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB)方程的解。
- The corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation of the problem was presented.And the solution of the stochastic HJB equation was demonstrated with stochastic LQ control theory. 在得出该动态数学模型对应的随机哈密顿-雅克比-贝尔曼(HJB)方程后,运用随机LQ控制的相关理论讨论了该随机HJB方程的解。
- The corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman(HJB) equation of the problem was presented.And the solution of the stochastic HJB equation was demonstrated with stochastic LQ control theory. 在得出该动态数学模型对应的随机哈密顿雅克比贝尔曼(HJB)方程后,运用随机LQ控制的相关理论讨论了该随机HJB方程的解。
- Stochastic LQ Control Framework for the Hedging Problem as the Stock Price Follows Jump-diffusion Process 股票价格服从跳跃-扩散过程套期保值问题的随机LQ框架
- Stochastic LQ control framework and its applicaiton in finance as the stock price follows the jump-diffusion process 证券组合优化模型的随机LQ控制框架
- stochastic LQ 随机LQ
- stochastic LQ problem 随机LQ问题
- Stochastic LQ control 随机线性二次型控制
- LQ: OK, let's make it straight. About Gong Haili. 好吧,我就坦白一点,关于龚海立......
- LQ: I wish I had a family like yours. 我希望我能有一个像你一样的家庭。
- LQ: You know he likes you. I know you do. 你知道他是喜欢你的。我确定你知道。
- Stochastic Models of Lambda Phage. 噬菌体的随机模型。
- Vol stochastic field is the top figure. 领域顶尖人物。
- Lq: Number of customers is waiting for service in current time. 多少客人等待服务。
- ATC clears you from Guangzhou to "Rumet" point via QX LQ FL200. 空中交通管制放行你从广州至R点通过QX、LQ,高度层200。
- And then it was almost 19:00, too late to get the express to LQ. 回到家已经是九点了,还好依依在家没怎么闹。
- ATC clears you from Guangzhou to “Rumet” point via QX LQ FL200. 空中交通管制放行你从广州至R点通过QX、LQ,高度层200。
- Markov Process is an extensively applied stochastic process model. 马尔可夫过程是一个有着广泛应用的随机过程模型.
- Stochastic medium model belongs to in-continuous medium theory. 随机介质理论属于非连续介质理论范畴。
- Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis. 应用数学和随机分析杂志。