- A sense of futility stole over her. 一种没用的感觉向她袭来。
- On the straying moonbeams I shall steal over your bed. 乘着四处游移的月光,我悄悄地来到你床上。
- A sense of mystery stole over him as he looked out on the wide sea. 他向宽广的大海望去,一种神秘感油然而生。
- Steal into the room Mist stole over the valley. 雾悄悄地把整个山谷笼罩起来。
- This decision reached, he finally felt a placid drowsiness steal over him. 想到这,来了一点平安的睡意。
- Revolving all these things, a prudential feeling began to steal over me. 想着这一切,不知不觉地,我产生了一种审慎从事的感觉。
- Fingers of cloud steal over the top of Mount Rainier, Washington. U.S. 云的手掌悄然漫过雷尼尔山的头顶。
- The sheen of the starlight stole over him. 星光悄悄地照到他身上。
- A sense of guilt stole over him. 他不知不觉有一种内疚感。
- A deadly coldness stole over me. 一股阴森的冷气悄悄笼罩住我的全身。
- Feelings of infinite melancholy stole over him. 无限的哀情愁思向他悄悄袭来。
- Rest and peace steal over his features like the merciful moonlight over a desolate landscope. 安静和舒适的表情悄悄掠过他的眉宇就象慈祥的月光照在凄凉的景物上面一般。
- A delicious languor was stealing over him. 一种美滋滋懒洋洋的感觉悄悄传遍他的全身。
- She felt apprehension stealing over her. 她感到恐惧袭上心头。
- A sense of happiness stole over him. 一种幸福感在他心头悄悄地油然而生。
- Scofield was convicted of armed robbery after attempting to steal over half a million dollars from the downtown Chicago branch of United Savings Bank. 司考菲尔德被判持械抢劫后企图窃取了50万美元从芝加哥市中心分行的美国储蓄银行。
- A sense of mystery stole over him as he looked out onthe wide sea. 他向宽广的大海望去,一种神秘感油然而生。
- A mist stole over the valley. 不知不觉间雾笼罩了山谷。
- The thief gloated over the stolen jewels. 小偷贪婪地看著偷来的珠宝。
- I am afraid lest the new bike shall be stolen. 我担心新自行车会被偷走。