- After visiting the Zhenhai Tower,they come to magnificent stone statue. 参观完镇海楼之后,他们来到一座精美的石雕像前。
- After visiting the Zhenhai Tower, they come to magnificent stone statue. 参观完镇海楼之后,他们来到一座精美的石雕像前。
- BAO Hu tomb stone statue of the existing three: a warrior and a pair of Shima. 鲍虎墓前现存石像三个:一个武士和一对石马。
- Tan Kah Kee vertical stone statue on the screen before the legislature. 陈嘉庚竖式铜像就立在石屏前。
- You can see the smaller pyramids and the Sphinx, the great stone statue of the lion with a human head. 你可以看到一些小一些的金字塔和斯芬克斯,这是一座巨大的狮身人面石头雕像。
- Later, God appreciated its contribution and apotheosized it.A stone statue was made to memorize it. 后来,玉帝念它治害有功,封它为神,塑石以作纪念。
- Tan Kah Kee body after the stone statue on-screen engraved with Chairman Mao Zedong's "Overseas Chinese flag, national glory," wrote an inscription. 陈嘉庚全身铜像后石屏上刻有毛泽东主席的“华侨旗帜,民族光辉”题词。
- What astonished the archeologists is a one palm-sized stone genital found on the inner wall of a tomb with a small stone statue of Goddess below. 令考古学家惊讶的是,内墙上发现了一个手掌形状的石头生殖器,下面是一个小型的石头女神雕像。
- Stone material includes: stone bridge, stone column,stone base,stone lantern,stone stele, stone balustrade, stone statue, etc. 窗、木雕屏风、木花架等。
- Zaocheng by artificial caves, for the cutting of the Yuan Dynasty, a total of six Dandong, all inside houses Taoist stone statue of 36 cents. 洞窟由人工凿成,为元代所凿,共有6个石洞,洞内供奉道家诸仙石雕塑像36尊。
- They played at hide-and-seek round the stone statues. 他们在石头雕像四周玩捉迷藏。
- Really become a stone statue? 真能变成石头吗?
- If you saw an angel but mistook it for a stone statue, all you would have to do is adjust your vision and look more closely at the "stone statue," not start looking somewhere else. 如果您看见了一个天使却误将其认为是一尊石像,你要做的一切仅仅是调整你的视觉,再靠近些观察“石像”,而不是眼睛朝着其它地方看。
- Stonehenge is a positive expression solemn powerful portrait of the people, realistic shape, is the ancient legend of a Mongolian hero after his death, he而立people to commemorate the stone statue. 石柱正面是一张表情肃穆威武的人头像,造型逼真,传说是古代蒙古族的一位英雄死后,人们为纪念他而立的石像。
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- The statue was carved (out of stone). 这座像是(用石头)雕刻的。
- Jiawei in the mountains are famous as stone carvings of the four, and five large stone statue in the shrine separation before the hillside built in the cold light of the presidential palace in Brazil. 在加威山上有著名的四大石刻像,另有5座神龛分立于大石像之前;在半山腰建有淡巴西冷的总统行宫。
- Only 194 grottos with about 7,800 clay and stone statues and some 1,300 square meters of murals are preserved. 现存有194处,大小泥塑与石雕像七千八百余件,壁画有一千三百多平方米。
- The Warthog Guards reappear along with the Stone Statues who now begin to move and claw at him. 这时,野猪护卫队再一次出现,跟着它们的是那些石头雕像,而此时的雕像已经可以活动,并抓住了王子。
- Tourists visit the Colossi of Memnon, two massive stone statues of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. 游客参观两尊法老阿蒙霍特普三世的巨像,也称门农巨像。