- Telecontrol with starting and stopping functions. 遥控启动,熄火功能。
- ATMEGA128 procedures based on the stopwatch, a start reset and stop function. 基于ATMEGA128的秒表程序,有开始、复位、停止功能。
- So the gradient threshold and the Gradient Vector Flow(GVF) were introduced into the speed stopping function. 针对传统水平集分割图像会出现演化曲线停止于梯度的局部极大值或孤立的边缘处的缺点,对速度停止项进行了改进。
- So the gradient threshold and the Gradient Vector Flow (GVF) were introduced into the speed stopping function. 该方法将梯度阈值和梯度矢量流引入速度停止项中,利用梯度阈值来使边缘得到更好的保持;
- Firstly, a new edge stopping function was constructed by combing the total variation miniature with the anisotropic diffusion equation. 首先把总变分和各向异性扩散方程的有机结合构造出新的边缘停止函数;
- Nevertheless if the market price descends to the new stop price 24000,“trailing stop” function will be terminated and the order comes to trade. 另外,若市况反复回落至这个新止损位价24000点,便会执行止损指示并在该价位成交。
- This machine has stopped functioning. 这机器坏了。
- Automatic stopping function: test time and protective voltage parameter can be set. It can stop testing automatically meet following conditions: test time out and protective voltage out. 自动停机功能:可设定测试时长、保护电压等参数,在下列任一条件满足时,自动停止测试:测试时间到,保护电压到等。
- Other neurotoxins, like TTX, cause nerves to stop functioning completely. 另一些神经毒素,像TTX,可以使神经细胞完全失去生理作用。
- Document printed on color copy paper can realize Copy forbidden function in the common duplicationg machine.Duplicating machine with Copy Stop function can realize the function using code of Copy Stop. 使用彩色复印纸打印后的文件,在普通复印机上可达到防止复印的目的。具有拷贝防止功能的复印机,可采用拷贝禁止代码方式实现该功能。
- This machine has stopped functioning,ie is out of order. 这机器坏了。
- This machine has stopped functioning, ie is out of order. 这机器坏了.
- During autumn and winter, grasses die and these trees become dormant and stop functioning as a CO2 sink. 而在秋季和冬季,草渐渐枯萎,落叶植物也开始进入休眠状态从而停止了CO2的吸收。
- NAT also forces some applications that use IP addressing to stop functioning because it hides end-to-end IP addresses. 因为NAT隐藏端点对端点的IP地址,可能导致使用IP地址的一些应用程式无法正常运作。
- However, the user policy level is allowed to decrease permissions, which might potentially cause applications to stop functioning properly. 但是允许用户策略级别减少权限,减少权限有可能导致应用程序无法正常工作。
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- If these problems occur, you may experience minor complications with your servers running Exchange, or your servers may stop functioning altogether. 如果发生这些问题,则运行Exchange的服务器可能会出现较小的并发症,或者服务器可能会完全停止运行。
- It is aimed at stopping the black market. 它的目的是制止黑市交易。
- He hurried past me without stopping. 他匆忙从我身边走过,连停都没停。
- A tissue is a group of similar cells which have an identical general function. 组织是一组具有相同的一般机能的类似细胞。