- story height wall panel 楼层高墙板
- No damage in the wall panel and door after hit by 75kg sandbag. 以75公斤重沙袋对板壁及门进行横向撞击试验,没有损坏。
- How to Resolve Vertical Penetrating Cracking of Extruded-Forming Wall Panel? 如何解决挤压成型墙板的竖向贯通性开裂?
- All the dead load of the curtain wall panel is support by left mullion only. 所有幕墙自重荷载仅靠左侧竖框承担;
- Main building A and B of Nanjing New World Center are connected by a podium of compound prestressed grid framework. This type of structure solved many technique conflicts among large span, smaller story height, heavy load and complex pipe / duct system. 南京新世界中心A、B两座主楼间裙房的屋面采用预应力组合网架结构 ,解决了跨度大、层高低、荷载重及管线布置复杂等技术矛盾。
- Before she walked over to the TV, she just simply made a selection on a wall panel. 她过度走路到电视之前,她仅仅只是制造了墙壁嵌板上的一个选择。
- Construction scheme and management of steel structure, wall panel, and roof panel. 钢结构、墙、屋顶施工方案和施工管理。
- Building: light material for walls, mobile room, doorang dividing half height wall inside office; material for decoration. 建筑类:蜂窝复合和轻质墙体材料、活动板房、办公隔断墙、门和装饰装璜材料。
- Main Application: elevator/escalator, top-grade building decoration, die-pressed sheet, reflection mirror, columns and wall panel, etc. 主要用途:电梯、高档建筑装饰、模压板、反光镜、立柱和墙板等。
- A kind of multifunction composite bearing wall panel with cement shaving board facings and straw board core is designed in this papel. 本文提出了一种以水泥刨花板为面层、以稻草板为芯层的承重夹层墙板的设计方案。
- The wall panels were bolted to the concrete foundation. 墙壁镶板用螺栓安装在混凝土地基上。
- In discharging, metal wall panel on snaptype nucleolysis tension control operations, as well as the whole machine is equipped with a start, stop, and emergency stop switch. 在不播料、播料墙板上不兴拆有压力把持操息盘外,还拆有零台机械启不静、罢手及弁急罢手开关。
- Wall panels made of foam boards, painted and drying. 主体是宝丽龙的墙板做好,表面修补后上漆等晾乾。
- High quality wood wall paneling in doorway and throughout home. 整个房屋是以高品质的木镶墙板在门墙。
- The reporter had a red-hot story. 那个记者掌握著最新消息。
- She can see over the wall because of her height. 她个子高,能看到墙的那一边。
- I had to listen to the whole nauseating story. 我不得不从头到尾听那令人作呕的故事。
- Used for the waterproof sealing on concrete wall panel, slab, ventilation pipes, the light weight panel products, window and doors of metal products, asbestos boards, gypsum board, wood, plastic etc. 用于混凝土墙板、楼板、通风管道的防水密封,金属制品、石棉板、石膏板、木、塑料等轻型板材和门窗的防水、密封。
- The climber fell from a great height. 攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来。