- He finished off the story in his usual manner. 他还像往常那样结束了这个故事。
- Death is often shown in pictures as a human skeleton. 死神常被画成骷髅。
- Have you read the leading story in the newspaper? 你看了报纸的头条新闻了吗?
- Read the bedtime story in a hypnotic voice. 用催眠的声音读睡前的故事
- She keeps a store of amusing story in her head. 她头脑里有许多有趣的故事。
- Angels are usually shown in pictures dressed in white, with wings. 在图画中的天使通常是身穿白衣,生有翅膀。
- He pitched his story in a sentimental strain. 他把故事写得带有伤感情调。
- Design the Electronic Story in Pictures by Our-Selves Online 自己动手,制作网上电子连环画
- You must get the story in its right perspectives. 你必须正确地了解这件事。
- He deals in pictures and bronzes. 他贩卖图画和铜器。
- He batted out an outline of a story in about two hours. 他用两小时左右的时间草草拟出了故事的大纲。
- The journalist beat out a story in time for the morning edition. 这位新闻记者用打字机迅速地打出一篇报道,赶上在报纸的上午版上刊出。
- He said that he thought in pictures instead. 他说他用图像进行思维。
- Mary always comes out well in pictures. 玛丽总是很上照。
- He told me the whole story in spades and there's no doubt about it. 他明确地把整个经过都对我讲了,一点不含糊。
- He finished off his story in an exciting tone. 他以激动的语调结束了他的故事。
- The sight of sleek well-fed blue-coat boys in pictures, was at that time, little consolatory to her. 当时她看到图片上整洁而又营养充足穿蓝色校服的学童并不感到有多大安慰。
- She told me her story in broken accent. 她泣不成声地告诉我她的经历。
- I've seen the Opera House many times in pictures and on television. 悉尼歌剧院我在图片上和电视上看到过许多次。
- I read the story in the newspaper. 我从报纸上读到了那个故事。