- strategic air bombing 战略轰炸
- The pre-D-Day, "Bombing Strategy" decision was made and perfected in the Supreme Command by way of argument about task and affect of the strategic air force in "Overlord". 诺曼底战役前夕,欧洲盟军最高统帅部就战略空军在“霸王”行动中的任务和作用展开争论,制定并完善了“轰炸战略”决策。
- The Strategic Air Command's strikingforce consists of medium bombers. 战略空军司令部的攻击力量全靠中型轰炸机。
- Omaha: Home of the Strategic Air Command, a very important city in the US. 奥马哈:战略空军司令部所在地,美国一个非常重要的城市。
- Three days later, on February 23, massive air bombing drove Rommel back through Kasserine Pass attempting to reach his prepared positions on the Mareth Line. 3天之后,即2月23日,密集的空投炸弹将试图抵达其在马里斯防线上准备好的位置的隆美尔从凯瑟琳山口炸了回去。
- Operating Instructions: Use the mouse to control the movement of ski will rebound to air bomb blew up unsightly guy! 操作指南:使用鼠标移动来控制滑雪板,将炸弹反弹到空中炸毁碍眼的家伙吧!
- India has reactivated a strategic air base close to the Chinese frontier in Indian administered Kashmir, more than 40 years after it was abandoned. 印度重新启用了在靠近中国边境的印度控制的克什米尔地区一个具有战略意义的空军基地。这个基地40年多前曾被废弃。
- Strategic Air Command addressee designator 战略空军司令部收电地址指标
- Strategic Air Command control system 战略空军指挥控制系统
- Strategic Air Command photograph network 战略空军司令部传真网
- Strategic Air Command security system 战略空军司令部保密系统
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The archers sent their shafts through the air. 弓箭手向空中射出利箭。
- Commanding General Strategic Air Command 战略空军司令部司令
- Jet Strategic Air Lift Capability 喷气式飞机战略空运能力
- Joint Strategic Air Control Team 联合战略航空管制组
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- Strategic Air Command communication network 战略空军通信网
- Mediterranean Allied Strategic Air Force 地中海盟国战略空军
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子里空气缺乏,使得每个人都频频吸气。