- Asia is very much a strategic area for DIAB Group. 亚洲区是戴铂业务发展的战略性区域。
- Right and wrong: begonia, you not the strategic area moves! 成是非:海棠,你不要冲动啊!
- After Japan attacked Burma, Burma became a strategic area essential for contending. 日本南进后,缅甸成为战略必争之地。
- It is the first vital strategic area from which Israel must expel the Hizballah forces. 这里是以色列要驱逐真主党势力的第一个致命的战略区域。
- The number of armies, corps and divisions in each field army differed according to the concrete conditions in each big strategic area. 各野战军所属兵团、军、师的数目,依各大战略区具体情况而定。
- Landforce Plastic Products Co.Ltd. lies in the prosperous and strategic area in China known as ZengZheng in GuangDong province.To the east it adheres to Dongguan and Huizhou. 广州林丰塑料制品有限公司位于经济繁荣的广州增城新塘镇,东临惠州、东莞,离广州市中心仅30分钟车程。
- Qian seems to have been largely unaffected by the tumult of the Cultural Revolution, from 1966, probably because he was working in such a key national strategic area. 可能出于国家关键性战略项目工作缘故,钱学森似乎并没有受到始于1966年的文化大革命动乱的影响。
- In our external security environment there are more uncertain factors than before, such as the escalation, the armament race and the increasing turbulence in the geo - strategic strategic area. 我国外部安全环境中的不确定因素增多。 军备竞赛不断升级,重要地缘战略地区的动荡增加。
- Sri Lankan officials say government forces have killed at least40 Tamil Tigers and wounded70 others during a rebel attack on strategic areas in the country's northeast. 斯里兰卡官员说,在反政府武装对东北地区战略要地发动的袭击中,政府军打死至少40名泰米尔猛虎游击队员,打伤70人。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- Lufthansa Service have six strategic areas, including passenger, ground handling, aircraft maintenance (aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO)), air catering, tourism and IT services. 汉莎航空拥有六个战略服务领域,包括客运、地勤、飞机维修(飞机维护、修理和大修(MRO))、航空餐食、旅游和IT服务。
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 该贫民区之污秽肮脏简直令人难以置信。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- The luminous intensity on unit area. 单位面积上的发光强度。
- A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. 以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻
- White lines divide the playing area into sections. 这些白线把赛区分成各个部分。
- The first chapter delimits her area of research. 第一章阐明了她的研究领域。
- Sorry. I must have got the wrong area code. 对不起,我一定是拔错地区号码了。
- This is the area that attracts the most attention. 这是最受关注的地区。