- Our policy then will be the strategic offensive alone. 那时的方针只是战略的进攻。
- The fourth problem of strategy in guerrilla war concerns the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive. 游击战争战略问题的第四个问题,是游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻的问题。
- This is wrong not only for the strategic defensive but even for the strategic offensive. 这不但在战略防御时不对,就是在战略进攻时也是不对的。
- Hence the emergence of a whole series of problems,such as the strategic defensive,the strategic offensive,etc. 于是战略防御和战略进攻等等一全套的东西都发生了。
- The first stage covers the period of the enemy's strategic offensive and our strategic defensive. 第一个阶段,是敌之战略进攻、我之战略防御的时期。
- Hence the emergence of a whole series of problems, such as the strategic defensive, the strategic offensive, etc. 于是战略防御和战略进攻等等一全套的东西都发生了。
- After we have smashed an enemy offensive and before the enemy starts a new offensive,he is on the strategic defensive and we are on the strategic offensive. 在已将敌之进攻打破,敌之新的进攻尚未到来的时候,是敌取战略守势我取战略攻势的时候。
- After we have smashed an enemy offensive and before the enemy starts a new offensive, he is on the strategic defensive and we are on the strategic offensive. 在已将敌之进攻打破,敌之新的进攻尚未到来的时候,是敌取战略守势我取战略攻势的时候。
- With a good mix of strategic offensive and defensive maneuvers, decide which combination of the unknowing bovines to pull toward your spaceship or away from your opponent's! 用骰子掷出来的数字组合决定外星牛的移动步数且每个玩家可以选择使用哪一个牵引杆来诱拐他们。
- That is why we say that the Red Army's strategic retreat (the Long March) was a continuation of its strategic defensive and the enemy's strategic pursuit was a continuation of his strategic offensive. 所以我们说,红军的战略退却(长征)是红军的战略防御的继续,敌人的战略追击是敌人的战略进攻的继续。
- During the strategic offensive, therefore, it is impermissible for the guerrilla commanders to become so elated as to underrate the enemy and forget to strengthen unity in their own ranks and to consolidate their base areas and their forces. 因此,游击战争的领导者们不可在自己的战略进攻中得意忘形,轻视敌人,忘记了团结内部、巩固根据地和巩固部队的工作。
- The military experts of the newer and rapidly developing imperialist countries, namely, Germany and Japan, trumpet the advantages of the strategic offensive and come out against the strategic defensive. 后起而且发展得很快的帝国主义国家,即德日两国的军事家中,积极地鼓吹战略进攻的利益,反对战略防御。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。
- When we say that the enemy's large-scale strategic offensive and our strategic retreat have in a sense largely come to an end,we do not altogether exclude the possibility of further offensives and retreats. 说敌人的大规模战略进攻和我们的战略退却在一定条件下基本上已经停止,并不是说一切进攻的可能和一切退却的可能都没有了。
- And in order to safeguard his gains in the occupied areas,the enemy is bound to step up his anti-guerrilla measures and,especially after the halting of his strategic offensive,to embark on relentless suppression of the guerrillas. 同时,敌人为了确保占领地的利益,必将日益加紧地对付游击战争,特别在其战略进攻停止之后,必将残酷地镇压游击队。
- That dirty old house is an offense to the eye. 那幢肮脏的旧房子令人看了很不舒服。
- She meant no offense by the remark. 她说那句话并无恶意。
- For what offense was he arrested? 他是犯了什么罪被捕的?
- The counter-offensive is transitional between the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive,and in the nature of a prelude to the strategic offensive; it is precisely for the purpose of the counter-offensive that troops are concentrated. 反攻是战略防御和战略进攻之间的过渡的东西,带着战略进攻前夜的性质,集中兵力就为达此目的。
- A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular. 以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻