- Its strategic significance is obvious. 其战略意义是显而易见的。
- First of all,the region holds strategic significance to Beijing's relationship with Taiwan. 一、在台湾问题上,东南亚诸国有极重要的战略地位。
- All Party members must fully understand the strategic significance of cultural development and make socialist culture develop and flourish. 全党同志要深刻认识文化建设的战略意义,推动社会主义文化的发展繁荣。
- First of all, the region holds strategic significance to Beijing's relationship with Taiwan. 一、在台湾问题上,东南亚诸国有极重要的战略地位。
- Major grain-producting areas refer to the agro-economic areas which have strategic significance in China. 粮食主产区是我国具有战略意义的农业经济区域。
- To carry out family planning and population control,and improve population quality remain an arduous and urgent task of strategic significance. 实行计划生育,控制人口数量、提高人口素质仍然是一项艰巨而紧迫的战略任务。
- At present their contention converges on the Middle East, an area of great strategic significance, and particularly on Egypt's Suez Canal Zone. 目前他们的争夺集中在中东这个具有重大战略意义的地区,特别是埃及苏伊士运河地区。
- To carry out family planning and population control, and improve population quality remain an arduous and urgent task of strategic significance. 实行计划生育,控制人口数量、提高人口素质仍然是一项艰巨而紧迫的战略任务。
- Georgia has strategic significance, partly because a key pipeline that carries oil from the Caspian Sea to the West passes through it. 格鲁吉亚具有重要战略意义,部分原因是有一条从里海通往西方的石油管道经过这里。
- At present their contention converges on the Middle East, an area of great strategic significance, and particularly on Egypt's Suez Canal Zone . 目前他们的争夺集中在中东这个具有重大战略意义的地区,特别是埃及苏伊士运河地区。
- Accompanied by a business orientation to the positioning of the dual steering, corporate image planning strategic significance gradually manifested. 伴随着企业由一元定位向二元定位的转向,企业形象策划战略的意义逐渐凸现。
- Reporter : Would you please look at the opening of the Western Corridor Shekou real estate development strategic significance, how? 记者:请您展望一下西部通道的开通对蛇口地产发展的战略意义,如何?
- Irritable program focused on infrastructure development and livelihood projects, which is of strategic significance, will have the role of four. 激方案重点是基础设施建设和民生工程,这具有战略意义,将产生四方面的作用。
- This paper expounds on the strategic significance, necessity and urgency for constructing large-scale coal transferring base in Zhejiang Province. 文章阐述浙江建设大型煤炭中转基地的重要意义和建设的必要性和紧迫性。
- Definition of environmental priority pollutants is afundamental work with strategic significance for con-trolling and preventing chemicals pollution. 确定环境优先污染物,是控制和防治化学品污染的带有战略性的一项基础性工作。
- From the economic point of view,the two really great issues confronting the world today,issues of global strategic significance,are: first,peace,and second,economic development. 再从经济角度来说。现在世界上真正大的问题,带全球性的战略问题,一个是和平问题,一个是经济问题或者说发展问题。
- METHODS:To analyze the strategic significance of implementing technical innovation of CMM industry and the key points in the course of implementing technical innovation. 方法:分析了实施中药产业技术创新的战略意义以及我国中药产业实施技术创新过程中的关键问题。
- Facing the severe situation of China's mineral resources in 21st century,the study of nontraditional mineral resources has great strategic significance. 面对我国21世纪严峻的矿产资源形势,开展非传统矿产资源研究具有重要的战略意义。
- It is of great strategic significance to develop the VD decarburization process and to realize the production of LC/ULC wire and rod with the EAF unit at Baosteel. 在宝钢开发VD脱碳工艺,实现电炉单元对低碳/超低碳线材的生产,具有深远的意义。
- By United with IN-SHP, Shanghai International Procurement Promotion Center and KOMAF Shanghai 2008, EASTPO 2008 will have strategic significance on multi-cooperation. 展会同期举行长三角2008装备制造业自主创新科技论坛、国防科技工业生产制造技术与工艺创新研讨会等十余场会议。