- NES has its own theory basis of western multiplier theory and strategic trade theory. 在理论层次上,作者认为“国家出口战略”的政策依据主要来源于西方经济学“乘数”理论和战略性贸易理论。
- strategic trade theory 战略贸易理论
- In addition,the Americas Division is in charge of Hong Kong's strategic trade control system. 此外,美洲部还负责战略贸易管制制度。
- Zigic Kresimir (2001),Strategic Trade Policy,the "Committed"versus "Non-Committed" Government,and R&D Spillovers,CERGE-EI Working Paper No.177. 这里仅假定政府事先不知道本国厂商和国外厂商之间寡头竞争的方式.
- In civil aviation implement on production, the United States advertises free market principle normally, and Europe holds to strategic trade policy. 在民用航空器的生产上 ,美国通常鼓吹自由市场原则 ,而欧洲则坚持战略贸易政策。
- The large volume of intra-industry trade is often cited as critical evidence favoring the new trade theory. 摘要产业内贸易常被作为支持“新贸易理论”的一个关键因素。
- An Alpine pass, ,37 m (4,495 ft) high, connecting Innsbruck, Austria, with Bolzano, Italy. It has been a strategic trade and invasion route since Roman times. 勃伦纳山口:阿尔卑斯山脉的一个山口,高,37米(4,495英尺),连接奥地利的因斯布鲁克和意大利的波尔萨诺。从罗马时代以来,它一直是贸易和入侵的战略要道
- As the traditional trade theory tells us that free trade is the best trade policy, the STP is totally conflict to it. 从而打破了传统贸易理论下自由贸易才是最佳贸易政策的说法。
- Europe is the birthplace of free trade theory, and the E.U. is the product of successful free trade practices. 欧洲是自由贸易理论的诞生地,欧盟是自由贸易的成功典范。
- Hong Kong also maintains close cooperation with its trading partners in furthering the objectives of strategic trade controls. 在管制战略物品方面,香港亦与其他贸易伙伴保持紧密合作。
- As the mainstream theory, Heckscher-Ohlin factor endowment theorem has a vast and far-reaching impact in the system of trade theory. 赫克歇尔-俄林的生产要素禀赋理论作为主流经济学派理论在国际贸易理论总体系中的影响力是巨大和深远的。
- The strategic trade policy suggests the government interfere with the oligopolistic industries that exist excessive profit or technological spillovers to maximize national net welfare. 战略性贸易政策理论主张政府应积极干预存在超额利润或技术外溢效应的寡头垄断产业以实现本国社会净福利的最大化。
- In the free trade, the partial countries appear the pauperization growth phenomenon, the reality explanation strength of the trade theory is reducing. 在自由贸易中,部分国家出现贫困化增长现象,贸易理论对于现实的解释力减弱。
- The problem of increasing returns and market structure in neoclassic economics is perplexed, which is avoided in the traditional trade theory. 在新古典主流经济学中,报酬递增和市场结构难题一直困扰着人们,理论上一直很难找到报酬递增与不完全竞争市场相容的分析方法。
- Hong Kong also maintains close co-operation with its trading partners in furthering the objectives of strategic trade controls. 在管制战略物品方面,香港亦与其他贸易伙伴保持紧密合作。
- Datival to the trend of international trade bureau is having traditional international trade theory and theory of new system economics disparate view. 传统的国际贸易理论和新制度经济学理论对国际贸易的趋势与格局有着截然不同的看法。
- And the development of new classical trade theory provides a united theoretical core for explaining domestic and international trade. 而新兴古典贸易理论的发展,为解释国内贸易和国际贸易提供了一个统一的理论内核。
- Mr Melitz is a pioneer of the “new, new trade theory”, which succeeds the “new” trade theory propounded by Mr Krugman almost 30 years ago. Melitz先生是“新新贸易理论”的创始人,他继承了克鲁格曼先生大约30前创立的“新”贸易理论。
- From the angle of international trade theory, information economics and new system economics, the paper analyzes the conditions of relative rent existing in supply chain. 分别从国际贸易理论,信息经济学和新制度经济学的角度对供应链中关系性租金存在的条件作了分析。
- Global strategic balance and stability. 全球战略平衡和稳定。