- According to 215 papers of palaeontology and stratigraphic geology from Jiangshan,Zhejiang, the history of palaeontology and strata from Jiangshan, Zhejiang is briefly introduced. 据215篇有关江山的古生物学、地层学研究成果,简述了浙江江山古生物地层的研究历史。
- I've studied geology in my college. 我在大学里已经学过地质学。
- I know only a few streaks about geology. 我对地质学只是略知一二。
- stratigraphy geology 地层学
- Stratigraphy is one of the basic subjects of most significance in geology. 地层学是地质学的一门重要的基础学科。
- Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology. 地质学在此把人类历史的延续移交给考古学。
- Coal geology emphatically studies always stratigraphy and sedimentology of coal and coal-bearing strata. 煤地质学一直偏重于对煤和含煤地层的地层学和沉积学的研究。
- It is a problem that relates to geology. 那是一个与地质学有关的问题。
- Palaeontology, historical geology and stratigraphy are different subjects of geology. 古生物学和地史学及地层学是地质学的不同分支学科。
- Chiu, H.-T.(1972) Miocene stratigraphy of the Nantou area, central Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 10, 159-177. 邱华灯(1972)台湾中部南投区域中新世地层之层位。台湾石油地质,第10号,第159-177页。
- We went on a geology field trip. 我们去进行地质野外考察。
- Chiu, H.-T.(1975) Miocene stratigraphy and its relation to the Palaeogene rocks in west-central Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 12, 51-80. 邱华灯(1975)台湾中西部中新统之层位及其与古第三纪地层之关系。台湾石油地质,第12号,第51-80页。
- The early precambrian geology of Wu Taishan II. 五台山早前寒武纪地质2。
- The Techniques of Modern Structural Geology II. 现代构造地质学方法2。
- Basics of carbonate sequence stratigraphy are outlined. 概述碳酸岩层序地层学基础。
- Questions about Geology or Geophysics? 关于地质学或地球物理学,有什么问题吗?
- Professional papers of petroleum stratigraphy and palaeontology II. 石油地层古生物会议论文集2。
- Questions about oceanography or marine geology? 关于海洋学或海洋地质学有什么问题吗?
- Sedimentation Models and Quantitative Stratigraphy II. 沉积模型和定量地层学2。
- Geology is the science of the earth's history. 地质学是研究地球历史的科学。