- There is a serious loss of soil moisture. 土地失墒严重。
- stress of soil moisture 土壤水分应力
- The study of soil moisture bearing capacity of stand on slope of west of Shanxi province. 晋西黄土区坡面林地土壤水分承载力研究。
- BSM is modified to calculate the scattering coefficient and emissivity of soil moisture profile. 其结果和KM模型一致,表明了BSM模型的正确性。
- With the increases of soil moisture, the time of maximum leaf-air tempe-rature difference extended. 结果表明:光照强度对小麦叶气温差的控制强度随着土壤湿度的增大而逐渐减弱。
- The laws of soil moisture variations on the state of evapotranspiration in Heihe areas has studied. 研究了甘肃黑河地区麦田土壤水分的变化动态。
- By using this system the soil moisture content in Beijing can be monitored and the distribution map and the isoline chart of soil moisture content can be plotted in time. 同时,系统还可利用增退墒模型、人工神经网络模型和时间序列模型进行土壤墒情预测和预报。
- The loading transfer in composite foundation and the settlement and variation of stress of soil and stress ratio of pile-soil law are analyzed under different loading conditions. 对不同荷载水平下复合地基中单桩荷载传递特性、桩间土的沉降、桩间土上的应力及桩土应力比的变化规律进行了分析;
- Effect of Soil Moisture Status on Some Eco-Physiological Indexes of Dominant Tree Species in the Pine Broadleaf Forest of Changbai Mountain. 土壤水分状况对长白山阔叶红松林主要树种叶片生理生态特性的影响
- Q. Zhang, A. Werner, F. Aviyanto, J. Hutson. Influence of soil moisture hysteresis on the functioning of capillary barriers. Hydrological Processes. 左海军,张奇,徐力刚,李丽娇,叶许春.;农田土壤氮素径流损失的影响因素及其防治措施研究
- Spatial variability of soil moisture in the irrigation district is analyzed by integrating Geostatistics and general theory of statistics. 将提出的墒情监测方法及区域土壤水分预报方法,应用于构建整个灌区的实时灌溉预报模型之中,并在灌溉预报过程中进行实时修正。
- They are researched a little on part of soil conservation action, soil moisture, soil nutrient, and the underground portion of intercrop. 提出间套作在栽培措施方面应注意的关键问题:合理安排间套作作物的播种期和移栽期;
- We simulated the everyday change of soil moisture, inputing irrigation, meterological data and prophase soil moisture in 2003. 利用田间试验区2003年的灌溉水量、常规气象资料和前期土壤含水量,以日为时段对土壤水分变化过程进行模拟研究。
- The four physiological indexes in Kalanchoe blossfediana including RWC,membrane permeability,content of proline and soluble sugar were chosen to investigate the relashionship between the physiological characteristics under gradual drought stress of soil. 为探讨在土壤逐渐干旱胁迫过程中,长寿花生理生化特性与抗旱性的关系,选取相对含水量、膜透性、可溶性糖和脯氨酸4项指标,研究了其动态变化规律。
- Cultivation by covering with plastic film can effectively restrain the invalid evaporation of soil moisture, especially before the period of jointing. 覆膜栽培可有效抑制农田水分的无效蒸发,具有明显的抗旱增产作用。
- Which syllable do the stress of this word fall on. 这个字的重音是在哪个音节上。
- Which syllable does the stress of this word fall on? 这个单词的重音是在哪个音节上?
- A lack of soil moisture during this time period also took a toll on the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Goias, and Sao Paulo, although to a much lesser degree. 因这一期间土壤水分不足而遭受损失的地区还包括南马托格罗索州、果尔斯州和圣保罗州,不过这些地区的受损程度要轻压许多。
- There are some clods of soil on the mat. 垫子上有些土块。
- The daily stress of her work is killing her. 她日常工作的压力使她精疲力尽。