- stretch receptor of lung 肺扩张受体
- The liver not only is the receptor of dietary fat. 肝脏是日粮脂肪的接受者。
- Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer. 吸烟是许多人患肺癌的致病因素。
- She died of lung cancer in forties. 她四十来岁时死于肺癌。
- Smoking too much can run a risk of lung cancer. 吸烟过量有引发肺癌的危险。
- Smoking is one of the chief causes of lung cancer. 吸烟是导致肺癌的主要成因之一。
- To observe the pathological changes of lung tissue. 观察肺组织病理变化。
- Smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. 吸烟是引致肺癌的最主要原因。
- Smoking is the most important cause of lung cancer. 抽烟是导致肺癌最主要的起因。
- Inhibits formation of lung carcinoma in mice. 抑制在鼠标中肺癌的组成。
- Nobody would die of lung cancer caused by smoking. 不会有人因吸烟造成肺癌而死亡。
- Blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer. 痰中带血可能是肺癌的徵兆。
- And YLL S of lung cancer has the trend of ascent. 肺癌 YL LS呈上升趋势。
- A: He died of lung cancer, right? 他死于肺癌,是吗?
- What does the early days omen of lung cancer have? 肺癌的前期征兆有哪些?
- Yes, my grandfather died of lung cancer. 中译)有;我祖父就是死于肺癌.
- Cyclin prognosis of lung cancer patients. 周期蛋白
- Now ASF is applied to investigate ASGP receptor of liver extensively. 能否将吲哚氰绿负荷试验和肝脏ASGP受体核素扫描显像相关指标进行有机的结合,探索一种更加准确更加敏感的对肝脏储备功能进行定量评估的方法?
- Alternative Receptors of Enter the Same cell Type. 进入同一类型细胞的替代受体。
- KDR,a receptor of VEGF,is expressed on endothelial cell of new vasculature. KDR作为最重要的血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的主要受体,高表达于易损斑块新生血管内皮细胞。