- Results There was no significant releasing of GABA in cerebellum synaptsomes, while releasing of GABA by synaptosomes of striatum corpora, hypothalamus and mesencephalon were increased. 结果纹状体、下丘脑和中脑突触体释放GABA增加,小脑释放GABA无明显变化。
- striatum corpora 纹状体
- This is an adult ovary with two corpora lutea. 这是有两个黄体的成年女性的卵巢。
- Increase in 5-HIAA levels in the striatum was also observed. 纹状体内的5-HIAA含量亦有明显升高。
- It can also decrease the content of 5-HIAA in rat striatum. 2 Hz电针还可以降低强迫游泳大鼠纹状体 5-HIAA 含量?
- The corpus striatum of Onychodactylus fischeri is paleostriatum. 爪鲵的纹状体属于古纹状体。
- Neurons in the corpus callosum have connections with the brain cortex or corpora striatum. 这些神经元可能与脑皮质和胼胝体下方的尾壳核有联系。
- In terms of types of hedges, both corpora rely most on the indirect shields. 在模糊限制语类型的选择策略上,两种语料都依赖间接缓和型模糊限制语。
- China Calligraphy Corpora", "World Chinese Calligraphy work Florilegium". 曾获全省全国书画大赛一等奖。
- Interestingly, the ventral striatum also perked up if a plug-ugly person gazed to one side, rather than looked at the volunteer right in the eyes. 有趣的是,如果照片中是一个相貌很丑的人眼睛望着别处,而不是直视实验者,那么前部纹状体同样会有明显的反应。
- Each Co-Founder should participate in organizing and evaluating the first batch of CCC corpora. 参加第一批数据资源的整理和评估。
- Activity in the ventral striatum surged, in an apparent sign of the sexual appetite being sharpened. 前部纹状体的活动迅速增强,这意味着性欲的加强。
- The second chapter introduces three main corpora used in the paper: BNC, MICASE, and Time. 第二章则介绍了本文中所使用的主要的三个语料库,它们是BNC、MICASE和TIME。
- Striatum specific uptake of ~99mTc-TRODAT-1 was calculated according to the ratio of stratum(ST) and cerebellum(CB). 计算纹状体(ST)/小脑(CB)比值来反映纹状体内dat特异性结合TROdat-1的量。
- This study is a contrastive interlanguage analysis (CIA, Granger 1998) based on three mini homogeneous corpora. 本研究是一项基于三个微型同质学习者语料库的中介语对比分析(Granger1998)。
- Effects of Heat Stress on DA Mediated PI Signal Transduction System in Rat Striatum. 热应激对大鼠纹状体多巴胺介导的磷脂酰肌醇信号系统的影响。
- The Boundary Determination of Mongolian BaseNP is an exploratory task based on POS Tagged Mongolian Corpora. 摘要解决蒙古语基本名词短语的定界问题,是在蒙古语词性标注语料库的基础上进行的探索性研究。
- The experimental study of the relation between the striatum marginal division and the function of learning and memory. 纹状体边缘区与学习记忆功能关系的实验研究。
- Two corpora, BNC and Cobuild, are then presented, which seem more valuable to editing work. 介绍对编辑工作有较大实用价值的 2个语料库 :英国国家语料库 (BNC)和Cobuild语料库 ;
- Parkinson's disease is a common and disabling disorder of movement owing to dopaminergic denervation of the striatum. 帕金森氏病是一种常见的由于纹状体除多巴胺能神经支配的运动异常疾病。