- They were ordered to strike back. 他们奉命反击。
- Tightening the screws too far risks goading Mr Kim to strike back. 施压过大的危险在于可能驱使金正日反击。
- The politicians called on the oppressed working people to strike back hard. 政治家们号召被压迫的劳动人民奋力反击。
- He's a schemer,and now his plot struck back. 他是个阴谋家,而现在他搞的阴谋却反过来害了他自己。
- Tom at last found a chance to strike back at those who had found fault with his latest book. 汤姆终于找到了机会对攻击他的新作的人们反击。
- The police struck back with even greater ferocity. 警察因为遭到甚为强大的抵抗而节节败退。
- The defenders struck back at the aggressors. 侵略者遭到反抗者的反击。
- When he attacked me, naturally I struck back. 他攻击我时我自然要进行还击。
- Only then were the Chinese naval units protecting the fishing boats ordered to strike back. 直到这时,保护渔船的我海军部队才奉命还击。
- He is striking back with his usual manipulation. 他正用一贯的伎俩还击。
- The hissing of the serpent shall strike back at this world with unexpected ferocity. 蛇的吐舌声会凶猛的突击这个世界。
- The song Empty Skies describes the desire to strike back that a person feels after a senseless loss. 《空旷的天空》描述了一个人在毫无意识地失去的情况下,想要还击的愿望。
- First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly. 答:首先,我不会跟他们吵,骂不还口,打不还手,而是耐心地解释。解释无效,我会向上级汇报。当然,我想新加坡是一个文明的国家,应该不会出现这种情况。
- He next tasked his new apprentice to raze the Jedi Temple before the treacherous Jedi could strike back at them. 他接著派新徒弟在反叛的绝地仍组织起来反攻之前,将绝地圣殿彻底扫荡。
- Each strike back the object topples, nevertheless, a few websites of our home also have very big loss. 一个个的反击对象倒下,不过,我们国内的一些网站也有很大的损失。
- The ping-pong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent. 乓乒球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手。
- The traveler struck back when a man tried to rob him. 那个旅行者在有人企图抢劫他时进行了回击。
- The ping - pong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent. 乓乒球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手。
- In his editorial, he struck back at the latest law of the tax. 他的社论驳斥了最新的税法。
- It would not have been right for us to refrain from striking back. 当时不反击这种思潮是不行的。