- Strict discipline is imposed on army recruits. 新兵受到严格的训练。
- A good character is formed by strict discipline. 好的性格是靠严格的纪律培养起来的。
- One that enforces or believes in strict discipline. 执行纪律者,严格纪律信奉者
- "The sannyasi must observe very strict discipline. “桑雅生一定要遵守非常严格的戒律。
- The army must maintain strict discipline and allow no laxity. 军队非讲纪律不可,纪律松弛是不行的。
- I used to believe in strict discipline for children. But after I had my own, I had a change of heart. 过去我认为对孩子必须严格,但我有了自己的孩子后,我的看法改变了。
- To consolidate the army, strict discipline must be enforced. 整顿军队必须严格整顿纪律。
- Because we shared common ideals,we had strict discipline. 因为我们有了共同的理想,有了铁的纪律。
- To consolidate the army,strict discipline must be enforced. 整顿军队必须严格整顿纪律。
- It is understood that strict discipline is good for a student. 大家都知道,严格的纪律对一个学生来说是有好处的。
- He did not like the army because of the strict discipline. 因为纪律太严,他不喜欢军队生活。
- Because we shared common ideals, we had strict discipline. 有了共同的理想,也就有了铁的纪律。
- Its officers enforced strict discipline, yet had no rank. 它的军官纪律严明,却没有军衔。
- Strict discipline is the means to form a collective and performance. 严格的纪律是一个集体形成的手段和表现。
- The army should strictly discipline riffraff. 军队的首长们在广场上点兵阅阵。
- Strictly disciplined or regimented. 严格纪律或严格编制的
- A rigid code of honor and strict discipline are the hallmarks of any turian officer. 荣誉和严谨纪律性的刻板要求是任何一个图族指挥官的特征。
- Fourth,it should expand the ranks of the Communist Party and maintain its ideological unity and strict discipline. 第四,扩大共产党队伍的发展,保持思想的统一性和纪律的严格性。
- To ensure the Party's united action,there must be strict discipline within the leading Party members'group. 为了保证党的行动一致,党团内部必须有严格的纪律。
- I used to believe in strict discipline for children. But after I had my own,I had a change of heart. 过去,我认为对孩子必须严格,但我有了自己的孩子后,我的看法改变了。