- How to strike a balance between work and study? 如何处理工作与学习的关系?
- This teacher tries to strike a balance between work and play. 老师试图使学生们的学业和娱乐两全其美。
- As a student, we must strike a balance between study and rest. 做为学生,我们必须在学习与休息之间找到一个平衡点。
- Let's strike a Balance between the two opposing sides. 让我们在两个相对面上找到一点平衡点。
- We try to strike a balance between justice and mercy. 我们设法做到宽严并济, 恩威兼施。
- The new guidelines strike a balance between sentence severity and leniency. 新标准实现了严重判刑及宽大处理之间的平衡.
- It is our goal to strike a balance between the flow of goods in and out of our area. 争取出入口平衡是我们努力的目标。
- We have to strike a balance between the extra cost of a new microcomputer and the extra convenience of a new photocopier. 在购买一部微电脑所需的额外花费和一架新的照相复印机所提供的格外方便之间,我们得衡量一下两者间的得失。
- In drawing up a plan for your vacation,be sure to strike a balance between your work and your rest. 在特定假期计划时,务必要注意劳逸结合。
- China is making attempts to strike a balance between individual privacy and public interests. 中国正试图在个人隐私和公共利益之间获得一个平衡点。
- This article is mainly concerned with how to strike a balance between tourist industry and environmental pollution. 这篇文章主要是关于如何在旅游业和环境污染之间找到平衡的。
- In drawing up a plan for your vacation, be sure to strike a balance between your work and your rest. 在特定假期计划时,务必要注意劳逸结合。
- Therefore, it is an important issue to strike a balance between technology and humanism. 因此,在科技与人文之间取得平衡是一件重要的课题。
- In writing this book, we tried to strike a balance between readability and reference, with a bias toward readability. 翻译:在编写本书时,我们努力尝试在可读性和参考性间做一个平衡,当然本书会偏向于可读性。
- Many Arab mothers and workers,she says,can provide a model for women the world over trying to strike a balance between professional and family life. 她说,许多阿拉伯母亲和工人,把职业与家庭很好地结合堪称世界妇女的楷模。
- Offered shall strike a balance between enduring academic, social and cultural values, and the needs of society for a highly qualified workforce. 中大的课程必须兼顾学术、社会、文化价值观,以及社会对高素质的人力的需求。
- Additionally, you must strike a balance between security and usability in all the expected scenarios using trusted code. 此外,在使用受信任代码的所有预期方案中,必须在代码的安全性和可用性之间达成一种平衡。
- Many Arab mothers and workers, she says, can provide a model for women the world over trying to strike a balance between professional and family life. 她说,许多阿拉伯母亲和工人,把职业与家庭很好地结合堪称世界妇女的楷模。
- You need to strike a balance between batching to reduce state changes and pushing data out to the driver early to help achieve concurrency. 你需要平衡批处理数据量以减少绘制状态改变,并且在早期就把数据发送到驱动中以获得并行性。
- What is most important is for us to strike a balance between economic growth, dampening the price rises and bringing inflation under control. 对我们来说最重要的是,在经济增长和抑制价格上涨,控制通货膨胀间保持平衡。