- strike a serious blow at 严重打击
- I do not deny that is a serious blow. 我不否认那是严重的一击。
- I do not deny that is a serious blow . 我不否认那是个严重的打击。
- Napoleon planned to strike a quick blow at his old enemy. 拿破伦策划对他的宿敌实施迅雷不及掩耳的打击。
- He struck a heavy blow at [against] the door. 他使劲地砸了一下那个门。
- In order to strike a blow at the smugglers, the police established a naval blockade. 为了坚决打击偷渡犯罪,警方建立了严密的海上封锁线。
- They couldn't deny that it was a serious blow to them. 他们不能否认这对他们是一个严重的打击。
- Factions can recover over time or rally if the enemy is dealt a serious blow. 各派势力可以随时间逐渐的恢复实力,对敌人取得重大的胜利也可以恢复实力。
- Spanish men will have to learn to change nappies and don washing-up gloves under the terms of a new law designed to strike a blow at centuries of Latin machismo. 目前,许多西班牙男性可能也在做打扫房间、照顾孩子等家务活,因为该国议会即将通过一项法案,规定丈夫必须帮助妻子分担家务。
- That put us at a serious disadvantage. 这使我们处于非常不利的地位。
- Weak financial markets private equity investment funds will deal a serious blow to the industry. 疲弱的融资市场将对私人股权投资基金行业带来沉重的打击。
- He struck the man a blow at the chin. 他一拳打在男子的下巴。
- Russia is in before during going 10 years disintegrate, this is a serious blow for the country accessorily to its. 前苏联在过去的10年期间瓦解了,这对其附属国来说是一个沉重的打击。越南迅速适应新形势的能力在前苏联集团国家中简直是无与伦比的。
- The collapse of this invasion has delivered a serious blow the Russian offensive, but these forces are likely to regroup and pose future challenges. 虽然俄罗斯的入侵遭到失败,但是俄军好象正在重新集结以发动新的进攻。
- The situation put us at a serious disadvantage. 形势使我们处于非常不利的地位。
- Friday's verdict is a serious blow to opposition parties, especially as the Supreme Court has handed down a number of key verdicts against the government in recent years. 星期五的裁决对于反对党来说是一个沉重的打击,特别是最高法院在最近几年已经宣布了大量反对政府的关键性裁决。
- Over the past few months in the semiconductor market suffered a serious blow, mainly electronics and consumer demand for semiconductors in the gradually shrinking about. 过去几个月中半导体市场遭受了严重冲击,这主要与消费者电子产品对半导体的需求逐渐萎缩有关。
- I was about strike a match when I remembered Tom's warning. 我正要划火柴就想起了汤姆的警告。
- The group's ambitions were dealt a serious blow when the Chinese opted for the Westinghouse AP1000 technology, which has yet to leave the drawing board. 两个月前,当中国选择西屋电气尚未实现商用的AP1000技术时,阿海珐集团的雄心受到了严重打击。
- strike a heavy blow at the aggressors 给侵略者沉重的打击