- Soft string music further soothes the spirit. 悦耳的线音乐进一步放松精神。
- The golden string music and clear brass band is noble pureness just like the snow of Alps. 金光灿烂的弦乐,清丽的铜管如阿尔卑斯山颠的千年积雪,纯净得高贵;
- Combined with some Debussy music passages, it showed the usage of string music with special technique and timber to colorful music expression. 结合德彪西的具体作品片断加以分析与了解,在服务音乐表现的基础上合理运用弦乐的特殊技法以及音色。
- A harp-like instrument depicted on an Indus seal and two shell objects found at Lothal indicate the use of stringed musical instruments. 一个竖琴般的乐器描绘在一个印度的图案上,还有两个贝壳状的物件发现在洛塔尔,表明了对弦乐器的使用。
- The banjo, a stringed musical instrument, was an African invention brought over with the slaves to the New World. 斑鸠原本是非洲人发明的一种弦乐器,后来和奴隶一起被带到新世界去。
- I play, the entire theater complete silence, the audiences all immerse music world which creates in the tweedle, since that has been I plays a stringed musical instrument, first control perspiration. “我演奏的时候,整个剧场鸦雀无声,观众们全都沉浸在琴声缔造的音乐世界,那是我弹琴以来,第一次手心出汗。
- I am a musician, in the polite arts guqin. Hoped that oneself can learn English, lets the world the human can play a stringed musical instrument. 我是一位琴师;琴棋书画中的古琴.;希望自己能学好英文;让全世界的人都会弹琴
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- Chinese traditional string music 弦索乐
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- The different notes of a stringed musical instrument are made by vibrating the strings. 弦乐器的不同音调是使琴弦颤动而产生的。
- He has composed a suite of music for the film. 他为该电影配写了一套乐曲。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- He left when the band began to beat out pop music. 乐队一奏起流行音乐他就走了。
- His two great interests in life are music and painting. 音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。
- The child was trailing a toy car on a string. 小孩用绳子拖着一辆玩具车。
- Let's brighten up the party with some loud music. 让咱们用响亮的音乐使聚会欢快起来。
- It was the latest in a string of hotel disasters. 那是一系列的饭店事故中最新发生的一起。
- She's had us all on a string for too long. 我们大家受她摆布已经很长时间了。