- He was under strong pressure to resign. 他承受着要辞职的巨大压力。
- Willing to work under strong pressure. 愿意承受强大的工作压力.
- To exert strong pressure in order to force(something) open. 冲破,胀破为了迫使(某物)打开而施加强大的压力
- They have so despite strong pressure from the tobacco industry. 尽管烟草工业施以强压,他们还是这么做了。
- To exert strong pressure in order to force (something) open. 冲破,胀破:为了迫使(某物)打开而施加强大的压力
- But the Americans are exerting strong pressure on them to meet the deadline. 但美国还是不断给他们施加压力以求在最终期限内完成。
- At present, it faces the strong pressure from the domestic and foreign market. 当前,黄石纺织服装业面临国内外市场的强大压力。
- This game, Greentown home to the Army plans to exert a strong pressure. 其实,图拔一直把浙江绿城队和周穗安视为强手。
- Under the strong pressure in her husband, Xue Hu was forced to leave the community, and I refused to take. 在她老公的强大压力下,雪狐被迫离开社区,和我断绝了来往。
- I think the crown princess had an unimaginably hard time due to the strong pressure, which is incomparable to us. 她说:“我想太子妃度过了常人难以想象的艰难时期,这都是由于面临巨大的压力,而那些压力是我们不能相比的。
- "I think the crown princess had an unimaginably hard time due to the strong pressure, which is incomparable to us. 她说:“我想太子妃度过了常人难以想象的艰难时期,这都是由于面临巨大的压力,而那些压力是我们不能相比的。
- In fact, it is because they probably are soberly aware that real estate is strong pressure to bow Long door business. 其实,那是因为他们大抵都清醒地知道,房地产业是强龙难压地头蛇的门口生意。
- Moreover,as an established democracy,its powerful media and strong pressure groups will ensure that justice would be seen to be done. 另外,作为一个历史悠久的民主政体,美国的媒体和压力集团,也会确保人们看到罪犯得到应有的惩罚。
- Shares of no rigid relationship between the weak market in overexert, strong pressure in the disk can quickly become active again. 股性死板没有关系,在大盘弱势中逞强,强势中压盘就能很快地活跃起来。
- CME soybean is expected to remain the medium-term horizontal finishing, prices in the vicinity of 1050 and 1100 there will be strong pressure. CME大豆中期预计仍然维持横向整理,价格在1050和1100附近会有很强的压力。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- The polluted rock core permeability could be improved by self-resonating cavitating jet with strong pressure oscillation and high cavitation inception characteristics. 摘要可以利用自振空化射流的振动和空化特性来解除或减轻地层堵塞,提高渗透率。
- The major concern lies in their compressive strength, either due to the acceleration or deceleration of the torpedo car which places strong pressure in the cones region. 关注的主要放在它们的抗压强度上,在圆锥处无论是由于鱼雷车的加速或减速造成的强大压力。
- Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso says the international community needs to put strong pressure on North Korea under a new United Nations sanctions regime. 日本首相麻生太郎说,国际社会需要根据新的联合国制裁制度,向北韩施加更多的压力。
- The islanders are a strong breed of people. 这些岛上的居民是一种体格强壮的人。