- Student B: This is no doubt a strong protest! 学生乙: 这无疑是一种强烈的抗议!
- We strongly protest against this remark of yours. 我们强烈抗议你说的这句话。
- They registered a strong protest with the United Nations. 他们向联合国提出强烈抗议。
- He came back with a strong protest against their false charge. 他对他们的诬告提出强烈的抗议。
- We the people of Yenan voice our firm opposition and strong protest. 我们延安的人民表示坚决的反对,坚决的抗议。
- Against the belief in such abrupt changes, embryology enters a strong protest. 对于这种突然变化的信念,在胚胎学上提出了强有力的反证。
- We strongly protest against this remarkof yours. 我们强烈抗议你说的这句话。
- Playboy's first edition in Indonesia in 2006 sparked strong protests in the world's most populous Muslim country. 2006年,《花花公子》在世界上最大的穆斯林国家印度尼西亚创刊上市时,引发了强烈抗议。
- The news of him living in comfort immediately triggered strong protests among Austrians. 消息一经媒体公布,立即引起了奥地利民众的强烈抗议。
- Biagi had helped in drafting a labor reform proposal that provoked strong protests from labor unions and the leftists. 比亚吉曾协助草拟一份遭工会和左翼分子强烈反对的就业改革方案。
- Turgenev to take the odds are strong protest with the landlord, determined and ultimately successful restore. 屠格涅夫以生命为赌注坚决与地主们抗争,态度坚决,最终挽回了成功。
- This was the experiment which called forth the strong protest of the Queen's Astronomer, Sir Martin Ryle in the UK. 这就是招致了英国皇家天文学家马丁瑞勒强烈抗议的实验。
- Stiller plays a film in a mentally-handicapped man, the role of film in the campaign known as "mentally handicapped" have been strong protests from disabled groups. 斯蒂勒在片中扮演了一名智障男子,这个角色在影片宣传活动中被称为“弱智”,遭到残疾人团体的强烈抗议。
- Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi summoned US Ambassador Randt on October 18 and lodged strong protest on behalf of the Chinese Government. 杨洁篪外长于10月18日召见美国驻华大使雷德,代表中国政府就此向美国政府提出强烈抗议。
- The Communist Workers` Party expresses its strong protest against the decision made by the Chech government to suppress the Communist Youth Union. 共产主义工人党强烈地反对捷克政府取缔共产主义青年联盟的决定。
- Deputy Foreign Minister He Yafei summoned French Ambassador to China Herve Ladsous on Sunday evening, lodging a strong protest, according to the Foreign Ministry. 根据外交部的指示,副部长何亚非周日晚召见了法国驻华大使苏和并提出了中方的强烈反对。
- "Deputy Foreign Minister He Yafei has lodged a strong protest with the French side over Sarkozy's meeting with the Dalai Lama," CCTV reported in its nightly broadcast. 中央电视台在晚间新闻播报中报道称,“外交部副部长何亚非就萨科齐会见达赖一事向法方提出强烈抗议。”
- In both cases the strongest protests came from the immediate victims or the people directly behind the line-jumpers. 两处情况表明,反对加塞儿最强烈的是在加塞者身后最近的人。
- The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。
- Comrade Chang Yun-yi,commander of New Fourth Army units north of the Yangtse River,and Comrade Li Hsien-nien commander of the Army's Hupeh-Honan Assault Troops,lodged strong protests and repulsed the offensives. 当时新四军江北指挥部指挥张云逸、豫鄂挺进纵队司令员李先念,都曾经强硬地抗议他们破坏抗日的行为,并且在军事上进行了坚决的自卫斗争。