- The Application of YJ Building Structural Glue in Structural Reinforcement of the People's Great Hall. YJ建筑结构胶在建筑结构加固中的应用技术。
- Structural reinforcement at first floor 首层构造配筋示意图
- steel-concrete built-up structural reinforcement 钢-混凝土组合加固
- The relationship between the intensity of oil film and the structure of adsorbed film has been studied,and the conception of structural reinforcement of adsorbed film has been advanced. 考察了油品油膜承载能力与吸附膜结构之间的关系,提出了吸附膜结构强化的概念;
- Structure reinforcement program is confined by the factors such as functions, economy, technology, fields.And these factors interact with each other. 建筑结构加固方案受功能、经济、技术、场地等因素的制约,而这些因素又是相互影响、相互关联的。
- structural reinforcement and transformation 加固改造
- In this article, the author introduces many construction techniques used in National Culture Palace, including structure detection, monitoring and structure reinforcement. 介绍民族文化宫结构检测、鉴定技术及结构加固的各项施工技术。
- Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) is fitted for timber structures reinforcement. 纤维增强塑料(FRP)是适合于木结构加固的新型材料。
- The structural reinforcing bars underground is equipotential faraday cage and also a ground for all metro equipment under this electromagnetic environment. 地下结构钢筋是一个等电位法拉第笼,是地铁这个电磁环境中一切设备的地。
- The soldiers held the fort desperately till reinforcement arrived. 战士们拼死坚守阵地,直到援军到来。
- By analysing the relation between the stray current and the grounding, the auothor argues that the structural reinforcing bar in tunnel and station can he used as the grounded equipment. 并结合轨道交通的工程特点,从杂散电流与接地的关系分析,提出了隧道和车站的结构钢筋可用作设备接地的建议。
- There is a structural alteration to the building. 这座建筑物在这有一处结构上的改变。
- structure reinforcement and restructuring 结构加固与改造
- I was shocked at the structural damage. 我对建筑所遭的破坏感到震惊。
- concrete structure reinforcement 建筑物加固改造
- Application of Single-Sided Consolidation to Structural Reinforcement 单面加固法在大跨度或承重结构补强中的应用
- A structural unit, such as a beam or wall. 构材建筑物之单位结构,如横梁或墙
- Backfilled structures reinforced with quasi-inextensible and flexible reinforcing strips or sheets.Part 2 : reinforcement with metallic strips in lattice work. 土壤加固.;用近似不能伸展的和软增强带和增强板增强的回填结构
- Backfilled structures reinforced with quasi-inextensible and flexible reinforcing strips or sheets.Part 1 : reinforcement with metallics strips in line. 土壤加固.;用近似不能伸展的和软增强带和增强板增强的回填结构
- AIJ, "AIJ Standard for Structure Calculation of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structure Reinforced Concrete Structures," Architectural Institute of Japan, September, 1991. 林聪悟,王承顺,秦志中,"钢骨钢筋凝土挠曲强度设计之探讨",结构工程第十二卷第一期,民国八十六年六月。