- Strategy of Agricultural Structure Adjustment after China Becomes a WTO Member. 入世后我国农业结构调整的战略取向和途径
- Structural adjustment is getting faster. 结构调整加快步伐。
- Objective, Principle and Pattern of Agricultural Structure Adjustment in Flood Area of Hubei Province. 湖北洪灾区农业结构调整的目标、原则与模式。
- The Condition and Overall Thought of Zhejiang Province's Plantation Property Structure adjustment. 浙江省种植业结构调整情况及总体设想。
- The Situation and Thought's Train of Hainan Plantation Property Structure Adjustment. 海南种植业结构高速形势及思路。
- The Development and Strategy to Adjust Shandong Province's Plantation Property Structure Adjustment. 山东省种植业结构调整的进展及对策建议。
- Laid-off workers are the new urban poverties in the process of economy transition and social structure adjustment. 下岗职工是我国经济转型与社会结构调整过程中出现的城市新贫困群体。
- Viktor richened cuckler and other u. s. business-to-cost structure adjustment will be made next year. 维克富克勒和其他美国企业对成本结构所做的调整将在明年收到效果。
- Structural adjustment and market-oriented reform (30 minutes). 结构性调整与市场导向再造(30分钟)
- On Investments in the Agricultural Structural Adjustment. 论农业结构调整的资金投入。
- Structural adjustment for crop production was continued. 种植业结构继续调整。
- Significant progress was made in industrial structural adjustment. 工业结构调整取得积极紧展。
- From the viewpoint of the author the guide of the structure adjustment of Nanchang Citys planting industry is market. 认为南昌市种植业结构调整发展方向应以市场为导向,继续抓好粮食生产,采取调整早稻面积,进行改种改制;
- Guiyang City will strengthen the land supply control and total supply structure adjustment. 贵阳市将加强对土地供应总量的控制和供应结构的调节。
- The investment tendency and structure adjustment of polyester industry were discussed. 探讨了聚酯工业的投资方向和结构调整情况;
- At present,there are a lot of mistaken recognitions in agricultural structure adjustment, which requires a new thinking manner to reason it. 目前的农业结构调整存在很多误区,要求用新的思维方式进行思考。
- Hay industry is now becoming the focus in processes of agricultural structure adjustment and implementation of West Development strategy. 我国目前正在进行农业产业结构调整和实施西部大开发政策,草产业正成为这一发展过程中的亮点。
- The research has significance to the edible mushroom industry development and the structure adjustment of agricultural industry in Enshi. 其研究对恩施自治州食用菌产业发展和农业产业结构调整具有指导意义。
- The buckwheat planter also takes value in the agriculture industrial structure adjustment and strategic implement of minor crops plant. 荞麦种植也在农业产业结构调整和小杂粮种植战略中得到重视。
- Study eventuate industry structural adjustment provided academic basis. 研究结果为产业结构调整提供了理论依据。