- The structure method of auxiliary function is very important in solving questions about middle value theorem in differential calculus. 摘要构造辅助函数法是解决有关微分中值问题的一种重要数学方法。
- Using work breakdown structure method and network plan technology to make out project plan and draw project network plan chart and drawing project gantt chart. 采用工作分解结构法和网络计划技术制定了项目计划,绘制了项目网络计划图及项目甘特图。
- This paper provides an inference of Rolle mean value theorem and a new structure method of auxiliary function so as to prove Lagrange mean value theorem and Cauchy mean value theorem. 文章给出罗尔中值定理的一个推论及给出辅助函数新的构造方法,来证明拉格朗日中值定理和柯西中值定理。
- In this paper, the unified structure method on some symmetrical type multinomial partition base is given; the unified partition program of multinomial is established by using the method of undetermined coefficients. 摘要给出了不同对称类型多项式分拆基的统一构造方法,以逐步待定系数法为基础,编制了多项式统一分拆程序。
- Abstract The track structure method was used to model the early physical and chemical event from the incidence of monoenergetic electrons to DNA solution to the production of final DNA damage. 摘要 利用径迹结构的方法模拟了单能电子从入射DNA水溶液到最终产生DNA损伤的早期物理和化学变化过程。
- In the design for the church, we have wedded a traditional ground plan to modern structural methods. 我们在设计这座教堂时把传统的底层设计方案同现代的结构方法结合在一起。
- Literature presents one component-based with hierarchical structure method for system reliability predication analyzing.But it does not consider the reliability of cycle calls among modules. 在已有的文献中,给出了基于组件的具有层次结构的系统可靠性预测分析,但没有考虑模块之间循环调用的可靠性问题。
- Employing a poise structure method to construct system, it can reach the decoupled effect which the traditional methods don’t have. 本文采用的一种平衡结构方法构筑系统,可以达到不是传统解耦控制结构系统的解耦效果。
- Based on the system A&D, structured method combined with prototype, ASP and B/S structure are used in the development of the internet-based CRM system. 本文在进行系统需求分析和设计的基础上,采用带有原型法的结构化开发方法、ASP开发工具和B/S体系结构,开发了A健康检测中心基于网络技术的CRM系统。
- The virtual structure method of structure analysis is one kind of semianalytic method on solid mechanics, which combines the collocated method with the linear mathematical programming. 工程结构分析的虚拟结构法,实际上是加权残值配点法和线性规划法相结合的方法,是一种半解析方法。
- This paper presents four structure methods of stochastic Lypanov function of Ito stochastic differential e-quations. 给出了相伴于Ito型随机微分方程的确定性随机李雅普诺夫函数的四种构造方法。
- Product Quality Planning is a structured method of defining and establishing the steps necessary to assure that a product satisfies the customer. 产品质量先期策划是:一种定义并建立保证产品满足顾客要求的步聚的结构化方法。
- This can be accomplished by using toe boards, screens or brick guards; guard rails systems, nets, catch platforms, or canopy structure methods. 可以通过使用隔板、防护网或防护墙、扶手系统、防摔网、保护平台或天棚结构等方式来提供防落物保护。
- Quality function deployment (QFD) is a systematic and structural method s to lead the voice of the customers to the procedure of decision making. 品质机能展开法(QFD)是一种能将客户心声导入决策过程的系统化和结构化方法。
- Structural method for studying the gushing from floor is introduced. With the0ry limit winding moment, the fomula calculating the floor aquifuge effect1ve thichness is made. 介绍了研究底板突水的结构力学方法,并用极限弯矩的理论计算得出确定底板隔水层有效厚度之计算公式。
- By comparative analysis between structured method and object-oriented method, the structure-object-oriented method is put forward, and the way to get objects form DFD is given. 建立了内部市场核算流程;针对不同的市场主体提出相应的结算方式,并将其抽象成计算模型,便于信息系统的实现。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 该结构的两部分未配合好。
- Edit-distance based string structure method 基于编辑距离的结构模式方法
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大风作用于该建筑物上而产生巨大的应力。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建筑物让大风给刮倒了。