- Based neural network the model of EFA has been established. Since EFA is a complex plant, it is difficult to establish the model. 电弧炉神经网络模型的建立,由于电弧炉是一个复杂被控对象,模型的建立是比较困难的。
- A Neural Network Model Structure Based on Spline 一组样条神经网络建模
- This paper proposes a method of genetic algorithm( GA) based neural network for feature selection that retains sufficient information for classification purposes. 摘要本文提出以基因演算法为基础之类神经网络,在分类问题上进行特征值筛选以维持足够之信息。
- In allusion toinsufficiency of design retrieval based on similarity, the Neural Network is introduced into design of case retrieval and a model based Neural Network is proposed. 针对基于相似度范例检索存在的不足,将神经网络引入设计检索的研究之中,提出了基于神经网络的设计检索模型。
- In allusion to insufficiency of design retrieval based on similarity , the Neural Network is introduced into design of case retrieval and a model based Neural Network is proposed. 针对基于相似度范例检索存在的不足,将神经网络引入设计检索的研究之中,提出了基于神经网络的设计检索模型。
- A new method, the wavelet based neural network method is presented to estimate hearing threshold from BAEP signal.The results of test show that this method has high performance in low SNR. 本文提出了一种新的听阈检测方法:基于小波变换的神经网络检测方法。
- Dynamic modification of table structure based on artificial neural network 基于人工神经网络的转台框架结构动力修正
- predictive control based neural network 神经网络预测控制
- Prediction of the protein secondary structure with common score matrix based neural network 基于常用得分矩阵的神经网络法预测蛋白质的二级结构
- Failure Probability Analysis of the Complex Hyper-static Structure Based on Neural Network Method 基于神经网络方法的复杂超静定结构失效概率分析
- Causal Discovery Based Neural Network Ensemble Method 基于因果发现的神经网络集成方法
- Semi-active intelligent control of sliding structure based on artificial neural network 基于神经网络的滑移隔震结构智能半主动控制
- fuzzy basis neural network (FBFN) 模糊基函数网络
- Radial Basis Neural Network (RBNN) 径向基神经网络
- The Multiple Neural Network Structure Based Soft Measurement of the Quality of Siddeline Products of Normal Pressure Tower 基于多神经网络结构的常压塔侧线产品质量软测量
- Multi-Boundary Feature Based Neural Network Used in Segmentation of Glomerulus 基于多边界特征神经元网络的肾小球区域分割方法
- The classification of EDM process based neural networks 基于神经网络的电火花加工过程的分类
- Actually, RIA is a kind of C/S structure based on Web. RIA实际上是一种基于Web的C/S架构。
- Improvement on a class of Nonlinear Controller Structure Based on BP Neural Networks 对基于BP神经网络的一类非线性控制器的结构改进