- strychnine phenolsulfonate 苯酚磺酸马钱子碱
- Strychnine, arsenic, and opium are poison. 马钱子碱、砷和鸦片都是毒药。
- Strychnine of Tincture was determined by HPLC. 用高效液相色谱法对制剂中士的宁进行定量分析。
- AIM: To study preparation of strychnine solid liposome. 目的:探讨番木鳖碱固体脂质体的最佳制备方法。
- A bitter alkaloid poison resembles strychnine and extracted from nux vomica. 一种类似番木鳖碱的苦味生物碱毒药,从马钱子中提取。
- The contents of strychnine and brucine were determined simutanously by HPLC. 采用高效液相色谱法同时测定风湿安泰片中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量。
- Important examples in human use are quinine, nicotine, atropine, opium, morphine, codeine, and strychnine. 人类广泛应用的生物碱有奎宁,烟碱,阿托品,鸦片,吗啡,可待因等。
- The method is simple and rapid, it can be used for the determination of Hydroxy-benzenesulfonic acid monosodium salt sodium phenolsulfonate. [结论]溴量法测定对羟基苯磺酸钠的含量具有较高的精确度和准确度,且方法简便、快捷、易于推广。
- In lab animal studies, jiang can showed a strong hypnotic effect and also showed an inhibitory effect against convulsions cause by strychnine. 在实验室内研究,僵蚕对动物有催眠作用;并且对番木鳖碱所致的惊厥有抑制作用。
- HPLC method has been developed for simultaneous determination of strychnine and brucine in the Strychnos pierriana A. 建立了用高效液相色谱法同时测定制马钱子中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量。
- VNS effects on epileptiform ECoG of rabbits with epilepsy induced by strychnine. 迷走神经刺激对士的宁致痫家兔痫性大脑皮质电图的影响。
- CONCLUSION The method can be used to determine strychnine and vauqueline in biological materials (in liver et al). 用此方法可以准确测定生物检材(肝脏等)的士的宁和马钱子碱含量。
- Objective To establish the analytical method of strychnine and brucine in Gukang tablet by TLC. 目的建立骨康片中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量测定方法。
- Objective: To establish a method for the determination of Strychnine in Amin erden. 目的:建立蒙药阿敏-额尔敦中士宁含量测定方法。
- Objective:To study the cellulose enzyme in treating alkaloid to increase the yield of the strychnine. 目的:研究了纤维素酶在提取生物碱过程中的应用。
- ResultsThe contents of strychnine and brucine in the processed products with Jinngxi innovated method were lower. 结果江西改良炮制法炮制品中士的宁和马钱子碱的含量较低。
- Objective To establish a RP-HPLC method to determine the content of strychnine in Gujinwan capsules. 目的建立骨筋丸胶囊中士的宁的含量测定方法。
- Strychnine is used to kill rodents and pyrrolizidine alkaloids have significant activity against microbes. 而吡咯里西啶类生物碱则具有较强的杀菌活性。
- We made system study of the assay method of strychnine and brucine by high performance capillary electrophoresis. 本课题用高效毛细管电泳法对士的宁和马钱子碱的含量测定方法进行了系统的方法学研究。
- Conclusion The strychnine and brucine in Gukang tablet were simultaneously detected by TLC.The method can use for controlling quality of the tablet. 结论方法准确、简便、重现性好,同时可以定量测定骨康片中士的宁和马钱子碱含量,可作为该药的质量控制方法。