- Changes in student enrollment have catalyzed the education system. 学生入学人数的改变已经对教育体系产生催化作用。
- Changes in student enrollment that have catalyzed the educational system. 已经引起教育体制变革的招生变化
- The school currently has a student enrollment of approximately 700 pupils. 学校现有在籍学生约700人。
- Another federal program was still promoting student enrollment in teaching programs. 另一个联邦计划仍在鼓励学生报考师范专业。
- Does the foreign student advisory staff seem to be in proportion to the foreign student enrollment? 外国留学生辅导员的人数是否与人学的外国留学生人数合乎比例?
- Note: Student enrollment in regular institutions of higher education includes postgraduates. 注:高等学校在校学生含研究生。
- They have more autonomy in personnel management, research fund, student enrollment, international exchanges and placement of graduates to employment. 在人事管理,科研经费,招生工作,国外交流与毕业分配上有更多的自主权。
- A student enrolled at such a school or college. 农业院校学生
- Can any student enroll in an IB programme? 问:任何学生都可以参加IB项目么?
- Nuber of new student enroument,student enrollment and graduates in regular institutions of higher eductio all includes post graduates. 普通高校招生数、在校学生数、毕业生数均包括研究生。
- Chartered in 1895, Northern Illinois University is a comprehensive teaching and research institution with a student enrollment of more than 25,000. 1895年特许,北伊利诺伊大学是一个全面教学和研究机构,学生注册超过25,000人。
- pair-wise 双向的,两两的
- To sum up, the student enrollment at Toya Headquartersits five branch schools revealed a very quick development during the designated period of time. 总体而言,托雅总部及其五个分校的招生在图表所标识的时段里呈现出了非常快的发展。
- Our student enrollment has increased by 52%. This has become a win-win situation. If a student wins, the student graduates; the student then gets a job and we all win. 我们的新生报名量增加了52%25。这形成了学校与学生的双赢局面。学生顺利毕业,然后找到一份工作,我们都赢了。
- This concise statement of regulations for foreign student enrollment is in accordance with detailed regulations governing the implementation of a statute and associated regulations. 依据本校外国学生入学办法及各学系外国学生入学施行要点暨相关法规订定本简章。
- Student enrollments at the university have increased steadily in recent years. 近几年这所大学的学生入学人数稳步增长。
- Student enrolment fees cover tuition, textbooks and extra-curricula excursions. 注册时交的费用包括学费、书本费和与教学有关的参观项目。
- Meanwhile, the Programme aims to enlarge students enrollment and to subsidy indigent students to ensure more young students and laid-offs have access to pre-service trainings. 扩大职业学校的招生规模,资助贫困学生,使更多的青少年学生和下岗职工获得就业前的技能培训;
- Easier to measure is student enrolment, up by 11% after decades of decline. 更简单的测度是入学率,在几十年的下降后提高了11%25。
- the student enrollment and employment 招生与就业