- She is not much of a journalist. 她并不是一个好记者。
- The journalist has handed in her copy. 这个女记者交了稿。
- He's a journalist on the Daily Telegraph'. 他是《每日电讯报》的记者。
- They expelled the journalist from their country. 他们把这个记者驱逐出境。
- The journalist lead a hectic life. 新闻记者过着紧张兴奋的生活。
- The lazy student never do his homework on time. 这个懒惰的学生从没有按时做他的家庭作业。
- He has very sternly admonished student. 他十分严厉地训诫了学生。
- He is, so to speak, a hardworking student. 他可说是个用功的学生。
- I set myself down as a journalist in the hotel register. 我在旅馆登记薄上以新闻记者的身份登了记。
- Decent journalist shall take the trouble to check their fact. 责任心强的新闻工作者应该不厌其烦地核实报道内容。
- The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。
- The journalist beat out a story in time for the morning edition. 这位新闻记者用打字机迅速地打出一篇报道,赶上在报纸的上午版上刊出。
- I lived in a hostel while I was a student. 我求学期间住在青年招待所里。
- The minister easily fielded all the journalist's awkward questions. 部长轻而易举地一一回答了记者提出的棘手问题。
- My sister is always a studious student. 我妹妹一直是一个勤奋好学的学生。
- He is of a the most outstanding student. 他是一名最优秀的学生。
- Such a good student as he (is) will succeed. 像他这样的好学生一定会成功。
- This student is slow in learning English. 这个学生学英语很笨。
- She accused the journalist of putting words in her mouth. 她指责该新闻工作者把报道的事硬说成是她说过的。
- She is an overseas student in Britain. 她是个在英国的外国留学生。