- Improvement of student status administration under credit-hour system 学分制条件下学籍管理的完善
- student status administration 学籍管理
- Student Status Undergraduate Training program Short-term courses How did you get the information of TFSU? 留学类别:本科班普通进修班短期班通过何种途径了解到我院的?
- The student status security deposit secures a child's position when the child is absent for more than one month for any reasons. 学籍保留费的收取:不论何种原因,如果学生当月出勤数为零且要求保留学籍,家长须向校方支付学籍保留费。
- I have never been expelled from any university or college in the ROC. Should I breach any of the regulations, I will be denied admission and student status. 本人未曾遭中华民国国内各大专院校退学,如违反此规定并经查证属实者,取消其入学资格并注销学籍。
- I have never completed or been expelled from academic programs in Taiwan(R.O.C.) should I breach any of these regulations, I will be denied admissions and student status. 本人未曾于台湾中华民国国内各级学校申请就学学程或遭台湾中华民国国内各大专院校退学。
- I have never completed or been expelled from any academic programs in the R.O.C. Should I breach any of regulations, I will be denied admissions and student status. 上述所陈之任一事项同意授权贵校查证,如有不实或不符规定等情事属实者,于入学后经查证属实者,本人愿接受贵校注销学籍处分,绝无异议。
- If it is found that there is any cheating, violation, or fake documents, the admission will be canceled, the student status will be revoked, and no transcript or diploma will be issued. 所持之证件如有不实或不符规定或变造之情事,经查属实即取消入学资格,并注销学籍,亦不发给任何有关之学分证明或毕业证书。
- The International Student Identity Card (ISIC) is the only internationally accepted proof of full-time student status in existence, giving benefits in more than 116 countries worldwide and access to 35,000 discounts. 对于学生来说,一般来到国外,第一件事就是办理一张国际学生证,以便在乘车、住宿、购物等诸多方面享受学生折扣。
- Although all is therepetition similar life daily, but two months or on the past, hoped inan instant last the year can complete mark the period in my last bythe student status study! 尽管天天都是重复同样的生活,可两个月还是一转眼就过去,希望在我最后一个以学生身份学习的最后一年能够圆满的画上句号!
- At last, this paper depictions the mainly thinking of developing a student status management in detail, and describes the process of actualizing the main functions of this student status management. 最后,本文详细叙述了学籍管理系统的主要设计思路,并对其主要功能的实现过程进行了详细的描述。
- New Approach to Execution of Credit Hour Based on Academic Length and Improvement of Student's Status Administration 实施完全学分制完善学籍管理
- The lazy student never do his homework on time. 这个懒惰的学生从没有按时做他的家庭作业。
- The consulate was upgraded to embassy status. 该领事馆已升格为大使馆。
- He has very sternly admonished student. 他十分严厉地训诫了学生。
- He is, so to speak, a hardworking student. 他可说是个用功的学生。
- Afterwards, proctors should check the documents of the students to verify student status and make a record of the present number, the absent number and information of the absent students. 发放试卷完毕监考教师应检查学生证件核实学生身份,并记录实考人数、缺考人数、缺考考生信息。
- He is a person of important social status. 他是一个有重要社会地位的人。
- The student murmured the answer with a blush. 那个学生红着脸小声说出了答案。
- I lived in a hostel while I was a student. 我求学期间住在青年招待所里。