- I began onsite studies on April 2. 我于4月2日开始现场研究。
- He studies on his own initiative. 他学习很自觉。
- He studies on a government scholarship. 他靠政府奖学金维持学业。
- A review of mechanical behavior studies on bellows. 波纹管力学性能研究水平述评。
- Case studies on WTO trade in services II. 国际服务贸易成案研究2。
- Studies On Soilless Culture of Chrysanthemum. 菊花无土栽培研究。
- Studies on Active Polysacchrides from Me. 梁王茶活性多糖研究;
- The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor. 电话在底楼的小书房里。
- Studies on Artificially Synthesized B. Napus L. 人工合成甘蓝型油菜研究。
- Studies on Chemical Constituents of Smilax china L. 菝葜化学成分的研究。
- Studies on Classification for Cultivars of Canna L. 美人蕉属品种分类研究。
- Studies on Flavonoids from Hypericum perforatum L. 贯叶金丝桃的黄酮类成分研究。
- Studies on HPLC fingerprint of Berberis L. 小檗属植物药材的HPLC指纹图谱研究。
- The sum total of study on the subject is contained in this report. 这份报告包括了关于这一课题研究的主要内容。
- Studies on Life Habits and Forecast of Hypatima sp. 荔枝亥麦蛾的生活习性及预测预报研究。
- Survey of Studies on Prunella Vulgaris L. 夏枯草的研究概况及展望。
- He have read the government study on sale opportunity. 他已阅读了有关销售时机的政府研究报告。
- A study on the evaluation system of learning in college P.E. 大学体育课程学习质量评价体系研究。
- Studies on Tissue Culture of Wild Rubus L. 野生树莓组织培养技术研究。
- Studies on Turfgrass Drought Resistance. 草坪草需水抗旱研究概述。