- You can login to your account now or when you enter the Study Center. 登录--现在你便可以登录你的帐户,或者等到进入“学习中心”时再登录。
- To sprain constantly is the Chinese medicine traumatology department study center the wound muscle scope. 扭伤属中医伤科学中的伤筋范围。本病起病虽急,有的症状也重,然皆因气机郁遏,并无器质性病变。
- Funding also came from BYU’s Family Studies Center. 这次研究的资金同样也有部分来在于杨百翰家庭研究中心。
- The model cognition study center "may distinguish the nature"the theory, has discussed the writings in classical style teaching keypoint and the teaching rule. 借鉴认知学中的“可辨性”理论,探讨了文言文教学的关键点与教学规律。
- In 1980 the archives of the practice run by Achille and Pier Giacomo were acquired by the Study Center and Communication Archives at the University of Parma. 在1980年的档案实践民办阿希尔及码头贾科莫获得由研究中心和通讯档案,在帕尔马大学。
- NONM is one of the state-grade key Hi-Tech enterprises, an executive member company of Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center (TIC), also one of the World Three Top Tantalum Processors. 拥有国家钽铌特种金属材料工程技术研究中心、国家级企业技术中心、博士后科研工作站、国家863产业化基地。
- Finally, study constitution value conflict solution, it is this article foothold and the study center, and it is the sublimation of understanding constitution value conflict phenomenon. 最后,研究宪法价值冲突的解决,这是本文的落脚点,也是研究的重心所在,是对宪法价值冲突现象认识的升华。
- According to the explanation from UNESCO in the HQ in Bangkok, Thailand, Community Study Center is the education institution lying in the countryside, independing on formal education. 根据联合国科教文卫组织在泰国曼谷的总部所界定;\\"社区学习中心\\"是属于在正规教育制度外;位于乡村地区的教育机构.
- The Australian Studies Center is an academic institute for the study of Australian politics, economics, society, science and technology, culture and foreign relations. 北京大学澳大利亚研究中心是研究澳大利亚政治、经济、社会、科技、文化和对外关系的学术性机构。
- APEC Study Centers Consortium Collectively funded body that promotes higher education, research and training. 亚太经济合作组织研究中心联合为推动高等教育、研究和培训的共同投资的主体。
- APEC Study Centers Co ortium Collectively funded body that promotes higher education, research and training. 亚太经济合作组织研究中心联合 为推动高等教育、研究和培训的共同投资的主体。
- Prof.Mei Renyi, Director of American Studies Center, Beijing Foreign Studies University. 梅仁毅 ,北京外国语大学教授,博士生导师,美国研究中心主任。
- The Traditional China Studies Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences was founded in March, 2005, and is under the direct leadership of SASS. 上海社会科学院传统中国研究中心成立于2005年3月,是上海社会科学院直属研究中心之一。
- Before the expedition sets out, they will be trained to tackle rough terrain by experts from Perugia University's Equestrian Studies Center. 在探险队出发之前,他们将接受佩鲁贾大学马术研究中心专家的训练, 学习如何应对高低不平的地形。
- More than 50 Tibetan studies institutions have been founded in Tibet and other places,and the China Tibetan Studies Center was inaugurated in 1986 in Beijing. 在西藏和其他一些地方现已建立了藏学研究机构50多个,并于1986年在北京成立了中国藏学研究中心。
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- How much did it cost you to study abroad? 你出国深造花了多少钱?
- It is a pity that the majority of translation studies center on literary translation, and fail to offer the applicable guidelines to meet the demand of C-E translation in IC. 然而,现有的翻译原则主要针对文学翻译,难以适用于对外传播的汉英翻译,使事关重大的对外传播翻译经常无章可循。
- She secludes herself in her study to work. 她把自己关在书房里埋头研究。
- Somphob Manarangsan, director of the Chinese Studies Center at Thailand's Chulalongkorn University, says both countries want to boost trade and investment. 双方签署的商业协议包括泰国稻米、橡胶、木薯、水果和珠宝出口。这是泰国商务部扩大两国工商交往努力的一部分,以减轻全球经济衰退给泰国带来的阵痛。