- You should mature your study plan. 你应审慎地完成你的学习计划。
- Should we make a English study plan together? 不知你是否同意,我想和你制定一个学习英语的计划。
- Do not leave gaps in your study plan. 学习计划在时间上要有连续性,不能有间断。
- Have you come up with your study plan? 你想出你的学习计划了吗?
- You must draw up a study plan today. 你今天必须起草一份读书计划。
- Is you study plan influenced by your family? 你出国深造的计划是否受到家庭的影响?
- He took upon himself the task of working out a study plan for us. 他亲自负责给我们制定学习计划。
- He was criticized for shifting away from the study plan. 他由于不按照学习计划进行学习而受到批评。
- Students usually have a study plan at the beginning of term. 学生们在开学初制定学习计划。
- Students usually make a study plan at the beginning of term. 开学初学生通常要制定一个学习计划。
- How many steps are you going to take to make a weekly study plan? 制定学习计划分几步?
- Is there any other factors that affect your study plan? 你出国深造的计划是否受到其它因素的影响?
- Many people find that it's helpful to make a study plan. 许多人发现,制订学习计划是一件很有帮助的事情。
- With brilliant study plan and exciting ECAs learning can be such a big fun. 精彩纷呈的学习计划,内容丰盛的课外活动,学习中感受乐趣与休闲,娱乐中让工作、生活得到帮助。
- Does your study plan clearly show the thought and research that you have invested in your decision to study in Ireland? 您的学习计划是否已清楚地表达您留学爱尔兰的想法和所进行的调查研究?
- We need to know your current standard of English so we can assess whether or not your study plan is feasible. 我们需要知道您现在的英语水平,以便我们评估您的留学计划是否可行。
- What is your study plan, including your purpose, goal and your career goal after graduation? 你的学习计划,包括目的,目标,毕业后的职业目标等等?
- You must satisfy the Visa Office that you can afford to complete your study plan. 您必须使签证官确信您有足够的资金完成您的学习计划。
- Once a weekly study plan is prepared, follow the same pattern every week with small changes. 一旦做出了计划,每周就按这个模式去做,不要做大的改变。
- That depends, some schools might ask you to submit your Study Plan for their consideration. Student: What's that? 不一定。有的学校可能会要求你提供读书计画供他们参考。学生:那是什么?