- A study released this week suggests it may be completely wrongheaded. (但是)这周揭示的一份研究暗示这个计划也许(估计)完全错误。
- Another study released last year said 30 million Chinese over age 20 were overweight. 另一项去年公布的调查结果显示,20岁以上的中国人有3000万人体重超标。
- The survey follows a similar study released earlier this month by HSBC, Fudan University and MasterCard Worldwide. 本月初,汇丰银行、复旦大学和万事达环球公司公布了它们联合开展的一项类似调查的结果。
- Atlanta-based PKF Hospitality Research, in a study released September, said demand for U. 业内预计其它几个国家将面临消费者紧缩开支,房费下降和收入减少的局面。
- One in five US workers regularly attends after-work drinks with co-workers,according to a study released on Tuesday. 每当这个时候,诸如讲同事坏话、亲吻某位同事、以及醉酒等糗事就要上演了。
- S. housing market, putting them at high risk of price declines, according to a study released today. 然而专家指出,房地产市场的这种不合理局面不会在短期内得以解决。
- The number of middle-aged Americans undergoing surgery for obesity skyrocketed between 1998 and 2004, according to a study released Wednesday. 多少中年美国人接受手术治疗肥胖症飙1998年和2004年之间,根据一项研究,发表周三。
- World Bank-funded study released early this year predicate the Amazon could become a grassy of vane*(savannah) by the end of the century. 最近公布的一项世界银行资助的研究预测到本世纪末,亚马逊森林将变为南美洲那样的大草原。
- How do peopleget ahead in the workplace? One way seems to be by making their subordinates miserable, according to a study released on Friday. 怎样才能获得升职机会?据上周五公布的一项研究,其中一个途径就是“压迫”下属。
- A World Bank-funded study released early this year predicate the Amazon could become a grassy of vane*(savannah) by the end of the century. 最近公布的一项世界银行资助的研究预测到本世纪末,亚马逊森林将变为南美洲那样的大草原。
- Watching television more than two hours a day early in life can lead to attention problems later in adolescence, according to a study released on Tuesday. 据本周二公布的一项研究结果,儿童时期每天看电视超过两小时会导致青少年时期出现注意力问题。
- Workers in Britain are "safer" to greet colleagues of the opposite sex with a handshake than a kiss, a common greeting in other parts of Europe, a study released Friday said. 上周五公布的一项调查显示,问候异性同事时握手比吻面“更安全”。吻面在欧洲其它地区是一种很常见的问候方式。
- World Bank-funded study released early this year predicted the Amazon could become a grassy savannah by the end of the century. 世界银行资助的研究今年年初发表的文章中预计亚马逊将在世纪末变成不复存在之地。
- People who do not get enough sleep are more than twice as likely to die of heart disease, according to a large British study released Monday. 本周一公布的一项大规模英国调查表明,睡眠不足的人死于心脏病的几率是睡眠充足者的两倍多。
- A World Bank funded study released early this year predicted the Amazon could become a grassy savanna h by the end of the century. 一项又世界银行资助的研究在年初公布,这项研究预计在本世纪末,亚马逊地区将变成一个热带草原。
- Scandinavians may spend a lot of the winter in darkness but they are the happiest people in Europe, according to a study released this month. 据本月公布的一项调查表明,虽然斯堪的纳维亚人总是生活在漫长而黑暗的冬季,但他们是欧洲最快乐的人。
- Canada's wealthiest citizens fear that their children will become lazy and squander the money they've earned, according to a study released this week. 加拿大最新的研究显示,该国富翁都患上了“富裕病”,担心子孙后代变得游手好闲、好逸恶劳。
- Citing a congressional study released on Friday, the Times said the United States was involved in 68.4 percent of the global sales of arms. 引用星期五美国国会的研究发布,纽约时报说美国是囊括了全球武器销售的68.;4%25。
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- How much did it cost you to study abroad? 你出国深造花了多少钱?