- The children on the study tour have to keep a diary of the place they visit. 参加修学旅游的孩子们必须将所到之处写入日记。
- On the whole, the delegation found the study tour valuable. 整体而言,基金会代表团认为是次考察成果丰硕。
- The children on the study tour have to keep a diary of the places they visite. 参加修学旅游的孩子们必须将所到之处写入日记。
- For this reason, Ang Lee made a study tour to Texas, where the story happened. 为了更好的完成这部作品;李安在小说中所描绘的得克萨斯呆了一段时间.
- Students then spend the next two weeks on a study tour of Queensland. 随后的两周就到昆士兰学习旅游课程。
- On average, the study tours are 40 days. 平均的游学天数为四十天。
- Furthermore, it is expected the seminar series and study tour will open pathways to joint co-operative ventures between media organisations in. 此外,组织系列研讨会和观摩访问为中英媒体之间的合作独辟蹊径。
- Organized and participated in study tour to the USA West Coast large Dairies, including meeting with Vet faculty staff at WSU and Agric. Faculty at Univ. Of Idaho. 组织并参加了对美国西海岸大型牛场的考察。
- Enthusiastic cheers all new and old customers来人study tour to plant, the company in quality first, customers first, the credibility of the first principle of customer service. 热忱欢呼各界新老客户来人来厂参观考察,公司本着质量第一、客户第一、信誉第一的方针客户服务。
- CLS specializes also in Canadian study tours for agriculture. 加拿大家畜服务公司也专门开展加拿大农业研究考察。
- Come with me for a study tour. 今天你就跟着我进去考察一下吧。
- His Excellency Prime Minister of Belgium Werhosfstadt will head a mission to China in late March. A study tour to China's middle and western regions will be arranged for business people in that mission. I wish the delegation a successful visit. 3月下旬,比利时首相韦尔霍夫斯达特将率团访华,随访的比利时企业家还将去中国中西部考察,我祝愿访问取得成功。
- The SFA Wildlife Research and Development Center (SFA WRDC) will be responsible for the detailed arrangements of the Workshop, including a study tour, workshop venue, and accommodation. 本次研讨会由中国国家林业局野生动植物研究发展中心承办,将统一安排考察和会议。
- Any applications for refund if students do not complete the study tour once it has commenced will be decided on the merits of each case individually and at the discretion of senior management. 如果学生/员没有完成该旅游修学而要求退款,一经提出,将根据实际情况具体对待并报高级管理层批示。
- In 1999, the commission sponsored 165 study tours to the Mainland and 237 projects for voluntary work. 年内,委员会资助了165次考察团活动,以及237个青年社区服务资助计划的项目。
- In 1999,the commission sponsored 165 study tours to the Mainland and 237 projects for voluntary work. 年内,委员会资助了165次考察团活动,以及237个青年社区服务资助计划的项目。
- Visiting Beijing on a study tour 到北京游学
- In 2001,the commission sponsored 200 leadership training programmes,132 study tours to the Mainland and 82 projects for voluntary work. 2001年内,委员会资助了200个青年领袖培训活动、132个内地考察活动,以及82项社区服务计划。
- Study Tour Report on Indian and British Railways 印度、英国铁路考察报告
- In 2001, the commission sponsored 200 leadership training programmes, 132 study tours to the Mainland and 82 projects for voluntary work. 年内,委员会资助了200个青年领袖培训活动、132个内地考察活动,以及82项社区服务计划。