- Students have the option of studying abroad in their second year. 学生在二年级时可以选择出国学习。
- I wouldn't dream of studying abroad in the near future. 近期内我不考虑出国读书。
- studying abroad in Japan 留日
- Many people went to pursue their studies abroad in those days. 那时候很多人出洋留学。
- Lawyer Xu was studying abroad in Middlesex University of Britain, majoring in international commercial law, in 2002. 徐律师于2002年留学于英国米德尔塞克斯大学,主修国际商法。
- Fuji Xerox chuunin the manufacturing award this year, has just been set up at home and abroad in Japan at the production sites of the environmental innovations. 富士施乐本次所获得的制造类奖项是今年刚刚设立,旨在表彰日本国内外的制造工厂在环境保护方面的创新举措。
- The center of the computer application and research is often related with specialists in Japan, in America, etc, also sends some science technocrats to study abroad. 计算机中心注重与国内外的交流,多次接待日本、美国的专家来访,也派访问学者、专家、青年科技人员赴美国、日本等国留学。
- The center of the computer application and research is often related with specialists in Japan ,in America, etc,also sends some science technocrats to study abroad. 计算机中心注重与国内外的交流,多次接待日本、美国的专家来访,也派访问学者、专家、青年科技人员赴美国、日本等国留学。
- He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan. 毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- I have read your information,it's puzzle for me.Are you a buckra?Are you study abroad in Thailand? 看过你的资料;我觉得有一点点迷惑;你是白人?.
- They usually walk abroad in warm days. 在暖和天气他们通常去户外散步。
- When studying abroad I was often sick for my home. 我在留学期间常常苦苦想家。
- I do not place much hope in studying abroad. 我对出国留学不抱多大希望。
- Earthquake shocks are often felt in Japan. 在日本常常感觉到地震引起的震动。
- October 14, 2008 morning, the Gillette study abroad in the autumn of 2008 a large school enrollment in the world will meet to be held in Qingdao. 2008年10月14日上午,金吉列出国留学2008秋季大型世界名校招生见面会将在青岛举行。
- Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. 大阪是日本的第二大城市。
- P12 I hope that this youthful error-one of many to follow,has not cost me the opportunity to study abroad in the United States. 译:我希望这个幼稚的错误让我失去到国外学习的机会。
- Five years ago you numbered your students studying abroad in the hundreds. Since then,20,000 Chinese scholars have studied throughout the world --- and more than half of them have come to American schools. 五年前,中国去国外的留学生还只不过几百名,而现在中国在全世界的学者和学生已达两万多名,其中一半以上到美国学习。
- Five years ago you numbered your students studying abroad in the hundreds. Since then,20,000 Chinese scholars have studied throughout the world---and more than half of them have come to American schools. 五年前,中国去国外的留学生还只不过几百名,而现在中国在全世界的学者和学生已达两万多名,其中一半以上到美国学习。