- How to find Nash Equilibrium in a ZeroSum Game? 如何在一个零和博弈中找到纳什均衡?
- This is the Nash equilibrium of this game. 这也就是博弈的纳什均衡。
- sub- game Nash equilibrium 精练纳什均衡
- Before reform of property rights,perfect Nash equilibrium of sub gaming was not optimal;Pareto dominance could be improved by bargaining solution. 公立医院改制前双方博弈的子博弈精炼纳什均衡为非帕雷托最优合同,可通过讨价还价实现帕雷托改进。
- It is a refinement of the Nash equilibrium concept. 它是纳什均衡概念的一种精炼。
- In that case, we would analyze the game by searching for a Nash equilibrium rather than for a rollback equilibrium. 这样,我们就得去寻找纳什均衡而非反转均衡。
- A Nash equilibrium relies on the rationality of each player. 纳什均衡依赖于每个参与者的理性。
- We prove that there is a unique subgame perfect Nash equilibrium of the dynamic game. 证明了该动态博弈存在唯一的子博弈精炼均衡。
- This paper discusses the mixed strategies and Nash Equilibrium of game theory with sequential payoff function. 讨论了具有连续支付函数博弈的混合策略及其纳什均衡。
- In general, games need not have unique Nash equilibrium. 一般来说,博弈未必只有唯一均衡。
- The result of the auctioning game is Bayesian Nash equilibrium between the army and contractors. 投标人的行为是追求最大的效用,军方则需要建立一种机制诱使投标人按真实成本信息报价,以达到预期支付最小的目的。
- To end doping in sports, the doping game must be restructured so that competing clean is in a Nash equilibrium. 要终结运动界的药物问题,药物赛局就必须重新架构,使乾净的竞赛能成为纳许均衡。
- Nash equilibrium is one kind of game solution concept,may make the strict many forecasts to extremely widespread type game. 纳什均衡是一种博弈的解的概念,可以对非常广泛类型的博弈作出严格的多的预测。
- In game theory, if no player has anything to gain by unilaterally changing strategies, the game is said to be in a Nash equilibrium. 在赛局理论当中,如果没有玩家因为单方面改变策略而获得任何好处,那麽这场赛局就会达到所谓的纳许均衡。
- If the game result is infinitely repeated, cooperation may be a Nash equilibrium although both players defecting always remains an equilibrium. 作为反覆接近无限的数量,纳什均衡趋向于帕累托最优。
- A Nash equilibrium does not have to be jointly best for the players. 纳什均衡不要求对于所有参与者加起来最好。
- Nash Equilibrium is the solution concept used to solve simultaneous-move games. 纳什均衡是同时博弈中使用的解概念。
- The first section of this paper applies Kant's 'categorical imperative' in the analysis of Nash equilibrium in static non - repetitive game as well as dynamic game. 基于康德伦理学的哲学运思,本文首先把“定言命令”运用于静态非重复博弈和动态博弈中的纳什均衡分析,以在当代社会科学的话语语境中反思市场经济的道德基础。
- The research shows that the game model has a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium, whereas telling the truth is not always a perfect Bayesian Nash equilibrium of the policyholder. 研究表明,博弈模型存在某种形式的精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡,但如实告知一般不是保单持有人的精炼贝叶斯纳什均衡策略。