- Cryptanalysis of a group signature scheme based on Chinese remainder theorem shows that it exists security flaws. 通过对一个基于中国剩余定理的群签名方案进行密码学分析,发现其安全缺陷。
- This paper constructs a kind of provably secure group signature scheme with authorization based on the BMW's scheme. 在BMW方案的基础上构建可证明安全性的具有权限特性的群签名方案。
- In the paper,we show the untraceability of several group signature schemes by new and very simple attack. 本文中,我们用一个新的简单攻击来说明几个群签名方案不具有可追踪性。
- The Mining Lasers group has been reorganized into separate sub groups for the different types of mining lasers. 采矿激光器的市场分组已经重新编排成分开的子目录,区分开不同的采矿器。
- In this paper,a group signature scheme based on Chinese remainder theorem and a group signature scheme based on RSA signature scheme are studied. 第二个方案的群签名打开算法不正确,从而无法追踪到群签名的生成者。
- Of 522 cells with Nissl stain,47.89%(250/522) were small,while 52.11%(272/522) were large in size. Accordingly,it was shown that almost all of the MOR Li and BSI B 4 binding cells in monkey DRGs fell into a sub group of small cells. 522 个尼氏染色细胞中,47?89%25 (250/522)为小细胞,而52?11%25 (272/522)为大细胞,由此可见,猴DRG中的MOR?Li和BSI?B4 阳性细胞几乎都属于小细胞群。
- The verifier can verify the group signature easily and the verification time of group signature is equivalent to that of an individual signature. 而且验证者在验证群签名的有效性计算的复杂性与一般个人签名方案一样。
- MA Jianfeng, YANG Bo, Chiam Tee Chye, Kot Chichung Alex. A new Group Signature Scheme and its Performance. Chinese Journal of Electronics, July 2001. 张彤,杨波,王育民,李真富.两类信息隐匿技术安全性的信息论分析方法.电子学报,2001年10期
- Compared with classical group signature, the conic analog over Zn has strongly improved the security of computing discrete logarithm. 与经典群签名方案相比较,离散对数问题更加困难,有效提高了方案的安全性;
- The cost of revoking a member and updating witness is smaller than the previous accumulators.The security of the new group signature scheme is proved. 撤销一个成员和更新证据所花费的代价比以前的累加器更小,而且证明了新的群签名的安全性。
- This paper proposes a secret sharing scheme based on RSA algorithm, and the scheme also may be using for constructing group signature scheme. 本文提出一种基于RSA算法的秘密共享方案,该方案即可以用于秘密共享又可以用于门限群签名。
- The current group signature scheme either neglects the problem [1,2,4,5,7,10] , or is low efficient [3] , or is insecure [5] . 现存的群签名方案要么不考虑群成员的废除问题[1,2,4,5,7,10],要么存在计算量与被废除成员线性相关的缺点[3],是低效的,要么是不安全的[5]。
- Considering RSA is one of the most popular public key cryptogram algirithms, a new group signature scheme completely based on RSA is proposed. 考虑到RSA是应用最广泛的公钥密码体制之一,首次基于RSA设计出一种群签名方案。
- In 2005, Zhang et al. proposed an efficient group signature scheme based on RSA, the total computation cost of signature and verification requires only 9 modular exponentiations. 2005年,张键红等提出了一种基于RSA的高效群签名方案,签名与验证的计算量只需要9次模幂乘运算。
- In this paper,an improvement of ACJT group signature scheme and its member revocation is made by improving the efficiency remarkably while not reducing the security. 文章对ACJT群签名及其成员撤消方案进行了一些改进,提出了一个新的方案,在保证不影响其安全性的前提下使其效率得到显著提高。
- Group encryption and decryption, group signatures such as multisignature etc. 团体式加密、解密,团体式签名如多重签名等。
- I had to sub for the referee, who was sick. 裁判病了,我得代为裁判。
- Read and analysis for the advanced research papers: Fast exponentiation computation, multisignature, proxy signature, threshold signature,group signature, identification authentications, visitor control, multisecret sharing. 阅读并讨论专题论文:快速指数运算、多重签名、代理签名、门限签名、群签名、身份认证、访问控制、(多)秘密共享。
- Abstract With the help of a group signature based on Hierarchical Identity-Based Signature (HIBS) and bilinear map, a new secure and efficient sealed-bid electronic auction scheme was presented. 摘要利用一个基于分层身份思想和双线性映射的群签名,提出了一个新的安全高效的密封式电子拍卖方案。